The CLRW Portal is a web-based information portal designed with the vision of the CLRW Governance Framework in mind, which sits within Enviro Data SA ( It has been built as a customised solution by the Business, Technology and Information (BTI) unit within DEWNR using the Enviro Data SA's Sharepoint 2013 platform.

Public users of the site access it from or can fin it as a 'related link' from many of the subject pages within Enviro Data SA (e.g. People & Environment > People & Communities). and is accessible via a link on the main page.

DEWNR staff can also access the site from or can find it as a link from many of the collaboration communities within iShare (e.g. Land and Biodiversity Conservation > Quick Links).

The vision of the portal is to create centralised access to DEWNR's knowledge and information regarding the management, strategic vision and ecological character of the CLRW site. The portal will act as a single reference point for key stakeholders and community groups, as well as provide a comprehensive index to guide DEWNR's own management activities. DEWNR staff will be able to update information within the CLRW Portal to actively keep all staff, community members and key stakeholders abreast of management knowledge and updates easily and effectively. Think of the portal as DEWNR's version of Wikipedia; a central information source that can be added to, and managed by, those in DEWNR who it interests and directly impacts. 

The CLRW Portal was developed as a fit for purpose solution to the need for greater clarity, transparency, collaboration and coordination in how the CLRW was managed. However, it was also partly developed as a pilot in order to demonstrate the concept of an interface which could potentially be scaled to enable other DEWNR business areas to manage their business in a consistent and comprehensive way.

Purpose and Aims

The CLRW Portal provides DEWNR staff, key stakeholders, site managers and the community with –

  • A centralised reference point to outline the site's management framework
  • Strategic management information for the site
  • A single location for all policies, procedures, management plans, forms, and supporting information to manage the Ramsar site
  • Access to essential information about site maintenance and improvement including monitoring and reporting needs
  • The ability for site managers to clearly demonstrate how their decision-making has regard to legislative obligations, such as maintenance of the site's ecological character
  • Condition reporting metrics and where the required reporting information is drawn from
  • A comprehensive index to all aspects of management information

How it Works

The portal is a public site providing members of the community with accurate, up to date information about all aspects of the CLRW site and its management. As such, various security mechanisms have been built into the portal including user authentication, user permissions and document security types.


Within the CLRW Portal there are 3 types of users –

  1. Members of the Community – Read (Anonymous) Access
  2. DEWNR staff – Read/ Write (Contributor) Access
  3. DEWNR staff - System Administrators


Members of the Community – Read Access

Members of the Community, including Community groups and key stakeholders external to DEWNR, will have read access to the CLRW Portal only. Security classifications will be placed on information and documentation within the portal at the point of creation, to ensure the integrity of the system and all corporately sensitive data. Community members only have access to information and links marked 'Public'.

DEWNR staff – Read/ Write Access

As DEWNR staff have responsibility for maintaining information on the site; all staff will have access to read documentation as well as edit it and add new information sources. All changes must be approved by a system administrator before changes to information are published. DEWNR staff have access to all information published within the Portal, including information marked 'Public' as well as 'For Official Use Only'.

DEWNR staff - System Administrators

Select DEWNR staff will be provided with system administrator access. This gives these users access to an administration panel through which they can make changes to information, page layout, images, documents and links as well as review and publish new or amended information.