1. From the 'Manage Libraries' main page, select the 'Glossary Term' link
  2. Go to the ribbon menu bar at the top of the screen and select - 'Items' - 'New Item'
  3. A drop down list will appear on the left handside. Select 'Glossary Term'
  4. A template will appear. Please complete all of the mandatory fields including -
    • Name: Name of the Glossary Term
    • Information: Description of the Glossary Term
    • Effective: Todays date or the date you wish the informtion to be published
    • User authentication level: Determine if the information is publically available or corporately sensitive
  5. Click 'Save'. Your new Glossary Term is now finished!


Please Note: You do not need to link a Glossary Item in the same way you do other Information Components. They will automatically go to their correct location.