1. First select the image that you would like to display as the icon for the new tile. To properly display, the dimensions of the image must be 280 x 200 pixels. The image size can be adjusted through the use of Paint using the 'Resize' option in the top tool bar. Alternatively seek help through the IT Help Desk
  2. From the "Manage Libraries" main screen, select 'Images'
  3. From the 'Images' functional screen, go to the ribbon menu bar 'Files' - 'New Document' - 'Image'
  4. A pop-up will appear. Select 'Browse' to search for the image you would like to upload to the system
  5. Once you have located the image on the network Click – "Open" and then "Ok"
  6. A pop-up will appear. You will be required to complete appropriate 'properties' for the image you have just uploaded. Once you have done this click "Ok"
  7. Go back into the image from the image library by clicking on the image tile you have just uploaded
  8. Click on the image again, next to the 'Thumbnail Preview' heading so that the image appears on its own screen with no text
  9. Copy the URL from the browser box at the top of the screen. You will need this URL in a few steps time
  10. From the 'Manage Pages' main screen, select "Link between Pages"
  11. From here you will be redirected to the Information Link functional page
  12. From the ribbon bar select "Items" – "New Item" – "Information Link"
  13. A template will appear. Select the 'Link from (linked page)" and select the first 'CLLMM' entry you come to for the Domain
  14. If you also wish for a link to the page to be visible from the home page navigation bar, tick the 'In Main Menu' box (see above)
  15. Paste the URL that you had previously copied into the top Image link field on this page (see above)
  16. Test the image link to make sure working correctly by clicking on the '(Click here to test)' words above the box and make sure that you are taken to a page that only displays the image itself with no other text.                                                                                                
  17. Once you have completed the template click "Save". Your link will now be created and the new tile (and navigation bar heading) should now be visible on the home page.