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APC Precursor Papers 1 A new combination Trema tomentose var aspera Brongn Hewson Ulmaceae
A key to Australian grasses book review
APC Precursor Papers 1 A new status in Nicotiana Solanaceae N monoschizocarpa PHorton Symon Lepschi
APC Precursor Papers 1 Eucalyptus viminalis subsp hentyensis Brooker Slee new from Tasmania
APC Precursor Papers 1 Xylomelum benthamii Orchard a replacement name for Xylomelum salicinum Meisn Benth
APC Precursor Papers 1 What is the gender of Sphenotoma Epacridaceae
State Herbarium regions
Plant portrait 19 Eremophila barbata
Native trees and shrubs of south eastern Australia book review
Plant portrait 12 Logania insularis
A guide to herbarium techniques book review
Plant portrait 18 Anthocercis angustifolia
Ecology and conservation of Tasmanian Sphagnum peatlands book review
Plant Portrait 24 Teucrium grandiusculum F Muell Tate ssp pilosa Toelken
Plant portrait 14 Acacia glandulicarpa
Plant portrait 16 Pseudanthus micranthus
Plant Portrait 22 Eremophila pentaptera J Black Myoporaceae
Plant portrait 26 Acacia praemorsa P Lang Maslin Leguminosae
Plant portrait 11 Grevillea quinquenervis
Plant Portrait 21 Pultenaea trinervis J Black Leguminosae-Papilionoideae
Flora of Australia Volume 16 Elaeagnaceae Proteaceae 1 book review
Australian native plants book review
Plant portrait 15 Swainsona tephrotricha
The Lower Lakes, Coorong and Murray Mouth. Icon Site Environmental Management Plan 2006/2007
Two books on the flora of New South Wales book reviews
The Chowilla Floodplain and Lindsay-Wallpolla Islands Icon Site Environmental Management Plan 2006-2007.
Ecological Outcomes of Flow Regimes in the Murray-Darling Basin
APC Precursor Papers 1 Stackhousia subterranea a new name and revised circumscription for S gunnii Hookf StackhousiaceaeCelastraceae
Southern Australian Liverworts book review
The lichens of South Australia book review
River Murray Barrages - Environmental Flows. An evaluation of environmental flow needs in the Lower Lakes and Coorong.
Notes on the South Australian flora Astragalus L Fabaceae in South Australia
New taxa and typifications in Indigofera (Fabaceae) for South Australia
Placynthium australiense sp. nov. (lichenised Ascomycota, Placynthiaceae) from South Australia
Establishing native plants in the arid zone
Coloured Spider Orchard, Caladenia colorata
Metallic Sun-orchard, Thelymitra epipactoides
Eremophila tietkensii F.Muell. & Tate (Myoporaceae), a misinterpreted species
A new subspecies of Brachyloma ericoides (Schldl.) Sond. (Epacridaceae) from South Australia
Atlas of Living Australia South Australian User Support
Genetics of white-flowered cultivars derived from Watsonia borbonica (Iridaceae)
A new Australian species of Duboisia R. Br. (Solanaceae)
A new species of Prasophyllum (Orchidaceae) from South Australia
Monarto Mintbush, Prostanthera eurybioides
Malva preissiana Miq., an overlooked name for Lavatera plebeia Sims (Malvaceae), with a note on variation within the species
Teucrium reidii (Labiatae): a new species from north-western South Australia
An anomalous South Australian Haloragis (Haloragaceae)
Studies in Senecio
The escape of Stipa papposa
Nature's pilgrim (book review)
Drosera hookeri R.P.Gibson, B.J.Conn & Conran, a replacement name for Drosera foliosa Hook.f. ex Planch., nom. illeg. (Droseraceae)
Dichromochlamys, a new genus in Asteraceae (Astereae)
A putative hybrid between Prasophyllum archeri and P. despectans (Orchidaceae)
Acacias in Australia (book review)
Irenepharsus, a new genus in the Brassicaceae in Australia
A new species of Gymnanthera (Periplocaceae) in Australia
Notes on Hibbertia (Dilleniaceae) 4. The identity of H. enervia
Additions to 'the species of Crassula L. in Australia'
Two new species of Cycas from Northern Australia
A putative hybrid between Pterostylis curta and P. pedunculata (Orchidaceae) from South Australia
A new species of Cycas from the Northern Territory
A contribution to the taxonomy of Triglochin (Juncaginaceae)
Publication date of 'Flora of South Australia, Part III'
A putative hybrid between Caladenia dilatata var. concinna and C. patersonii var. patersonii (Orchidaceae)
New taxa and combinations in the Myoporaceae
A summary of the family Lythraceae in the Northern Territory (with additional comments on Australian material)
Bookmark Creek and Wetland: Pre-feasibility factsheet.
Goodenia micrantha Hemsley ex Carolin, an interesting new record for South Australia.
New Australasian species of Peplidium and Glossostigma (Scrophulariac,eae)
Plant portrait 10. Beyeria subtecta
Martin Bend Wetlands: Pre-feasibility fact sheet.
Notonerium (Apocynaceae) laid to rest in the Boraginaceae
A new gypsophilous Goodenia (Goodeniaceae)
A new species of Nicotiana (Solanaceae) from Dalhousie Springs, South Australia
Eremophila linsmithii, a new species of Myoporaceae from Queensland
A reappraisal of Ptilotus aristatus and P. blackii (Amaranthaceae)
Drosera praefolia Tepper: a species endemic to South Australia
A new South Australian species of Pultenaea (Fabaceae, Mirbelieae)
A naturally occurring putative interspecific hybrid in Eremophila (Myoporaceae)
Hindmarsch Island wetland complex: Pre-feasibility fact sheet.
Flora of Australia Volume 55: Lichens-Lecanorales 2, Parmeliaceae (book review)
A new Phebalium (Rutaceae) endemic to Kangaroo Island
A new species of Brachycome (Asteraceae) from the Lake Eyre Region, South Australia
A new subspecies of Harnieria kempeana (Acanthaceae) from Western Australia
Prasophyllum litorale, a new species of Orchidaceae from south-west Victoria and adjacent South Australia
Allopterigeron, a new genus in Asteraceae (Inulaea)
Tolderol wetland: Pre-feasibility fact sheet.
Notes on Eremophila R.Br. (Myoporaceae) in South Australia
Overcoming physiological seed dormancy in semi-arid Prostanthera (Labiatae)
Callitriche (Callitrichaceae) in South Australia
Amendments to the third edition of J.M. Black's Flora of South Australia.
Waltowa wetland: Pre-feasibility fact sheet.
A new Eucalyptus species from the Wyola region, in the far west of South Australia
Daviesia arenaria (Fabaceae), a new species from the mallee lands of south-east Australia
Notes on the South Australian flora. Hypecoum pendulum L. (Papaveraceae) in South Australia
Teringie wetland: Pre-feasbility fact sheet.
Acacia undoolyana: a new species from Central Australia
Prasophyllum laxum (Orchidaceae), a new leek-orchid species from southern Eyre Peninsula, South Australia
Othonna gypsicola (Compositae) a new species from northern South Australia
Acacia symonii, a new species from the north-western region of South Australia
Psoroglaena halmaturina sp. nov. (lichenised Ascomycota, Verrucariaceae) from Kangaroo Island, South Australia
Endangered species in the South Australian native vascular flora
Typification of three species of Cryptandra from Western Australia and a range extension for C. myriantha (Rhamnaceae: Pomaderreae)
Pultenaea quadricolor J. Black is a synonym of P. laxiflora Benth.
Corrigenda and addenda to the supplement to J.M. Black's Flora of South Australia (second edition 1943-1957)
A new species in Heliotropium (Boraginaceae) and a new combination in Abutilon (Malvaceae)
Hakea pulvinifera L. Johnson (Proteaceae): a rediscovered species under threat
BDBSA Metadata - Vascular Plant Taxonomy
A new subspecies of Acacia beckleri (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae) from the Flinders Ranges, South Australia
Woodland BushBids Fact Sheet 03 - Management Services
A method to induce adventitious rooting in microshoot cultures of Thryptomene ericaea (Myrtaceae)
A note on Brachyscome rara G.L. Davis (Asteraceae)
Woodland BushBids Fact Sheet 05 - Submission and Assessment
A re-evaluation of Cassia oligophylla var. sericea Symon (Caesalpiniaceae).
Flora of Australia Volume 12: Mimosaceae (excluding Acacia) Caesalpiniaceae (book review)
A New Form of Solanum Fruit
Woodland BushBids Fact Sheet 01 - Questions and Answers
A new species of Samolus (Primulaceae)
Woodland BushBids Fact Sheet 04 - Management and Vegetation
A new species of Acacia from the northern Territory
South Australian wattles (book review)
The Drosera peltata-D. auriculata complex
Woodland BushBids Fact Sheet 02 - Site Visits
Senna phyllodinea a new combination in Senna (Caesalpiniaceae)
A new species of Swainsona (Fabaceae)
New combinations for the Philip Island wheat grass, Anthosachne kingiana subsp. kingiana (Poaceae)
New combinations in Pterostylis and Caladenia and other name changes in the Orchidaceae of South Australia
Lectotypifications and nomenclatural notes on Rhamnaceae from northern Australia
Cryptandra uncinata (F. Muell. ex Baill.) Griin. is a synonym of Eremophila sturtii
Corrigendum. Notes on Hibbertia (Dilleniaceae). 5.
The student's flora of Tasmania, part 4A, Orchidaceae (book review)
Claret Ash - Fraxinus oxycarpa Bieb. ex Willd. cv. Raywood: its origin in South Australia
BushBids: Lock 3 to Swan Reach, Riverbend - Overview
Environmental Stewardship South Australia 2011-12: Multiple ecological communities project
Book review. Acacias of South Australia
CSIRO Handbook of Australian Weeds (book review)
Two new species of Polygalaceae from Central Australia
A new combination in Operculina (Convolvulaceae)
Notes on the South Australian flora
Native Vegetation Heritage Agreements FAQ
Corrigenda: Vol. 5 & Vol. 7(1)
The third volume of the New Zealand Flora (book review)
Correction (Hibbertia appressa)
Two combinations in Eremophila R.Br. (Myoporaceae)
Bushbids: Murray Bridge to Naracoorte (South East).
Monarto mintbush, Prostanthera eurybioides
Bushbids: Murray Bridge to Naracoorte (south Eastern). Information sheet 03.
Bushbids: Murray Bridge to Naracoorte (south Eastern). Information sheet 02.
Bushbids: Murray Bridge to Naracoorte (South Eastern). Information sheet 01.
Bushbids: Murray Bridge to Naracoorte (south Eastern). Information sheet 04.
News Release: Community invited to apply for River Bend Bushbids vegetation management funding
Bushbids: RiverBend - Information sheet 03 - Management Services
Bushbids: RiverBend - Information sheet 01 - Q&A
Bushbids: Riverbend - Information sheet 02 - Site visits
Ecological fire management strategy: Broom and Gorse.
Roadside Vegatation Survey Datasheets
Bushbids: Riverbend - Information sheet 05 - Submission and assessment of bids
Two new taxa of Ptilotus (Amaranthaceae)
A new species of Euphorbia subgenus Chamaesyce Raf. (Euphorbiaceae) from the Flinders Ranges, South Australia
Acacia toondulya (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae: sect. Phyllodineae), a new species from Eyre Peninsula, South Australia
Detecting polyploidy in herbarium specimens of Quandong (Santalum acuminatum (R. Br.)A.DC.)
Three new species of Fabaceae for the Flora of Central Australia
Eucalyptus splendens subsp. arcana (Myrtaceae), an endangered new subspecies endemic to South Australia
Hansjoerg Eichler, 1 April 1916-22 June 1992
The genus Pleurocarpaea Benth. (Asteraceae: Vemonieae)
Acacia spooneri (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae: sect. Phyllodineae), a new species from the Flinders Ranges, South Australia
Grevillea pauciflora R. Br. ssp. leptophylla (Proteaceae), a new subspecies from Eyre Peninsula, South Australia
A checklist of the plants of Dalhousie Springs and their immediate environs
Guide to a Native Vegetation Survey (Agricultural Region) using the Biological survey of South Australia
Two new species of Sarcogyne (lichenised Ascomycota: Acarosporaceae) from central and southern Australia
The food plants of Australian butterfly larvae
Gahnia halmaturina (Cyperaceae: Schoeneae), a new species from Kangaroo Island, South Australia
Australian Collaborative Rangelands Information System Biodiversity Monitoring Trial – Bimbowrie Conservation Park
Woodland BushBids Fact Sheet 00 - Information
New taxa of Eucalyptus informal subgen. Symphyomyrtus (Myrtaceae), endemic to South Australia.
The naturalised flora of South Australia. 3 Its origin, introduction, distribution, growth forms and significance
Historical aspects of the origin and distribution of tagasaste (Chamaecytisus proliferus (L. fil.)Link ssp. palmensis (Christ)Kunkel), a fodder tree from the Canary Islands
The spread of native Australian plants as weeds in South Australia and in other Mediterranean regions
The genus Alisma (Alismataceae) in South Australia
The naturalised flora of South Australia. 1. Documentation of its development
Olearia arckaringensis (Asteraceae: Astereae), a new endangered daisy-bush from northern South Australia.
Notes on Leptosema and Mirbelia (Leguminosae- Papilionoideae) in Central Australia
A taxonomic revision of Nicotiana (Solanaceae) in Australia
Three new species of Phyllanthus (Euphorbiaceae: Phyllantheae) in South Australia
New and interesting species of the family Bryaceae (Thyopsida) from Australia
Flora of South Australia (5th edition)
Notes on the genus Microtis (Orchidaceae) in Western Australia with the description of two new taxa
A new series, Incognitae, of Eucalyptus L'Hér., including a new species endemic to Fleurieu Peninsula and Kangaroo Island
The performance of an amenity planting under irrigation at Monarto, South Australia
The native and naturalised Cyperus species in South Australia
The Thelymitra pauciflora R.Br. complex (Orchidaceae) in South Australia with the description of seven new taxa
Pultenaea kraehenbuehlii, a new species endemic to the northern Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia
Notes on Daviesia and Pultenaea (Fabaceae) in South Australia
Plant portrait 13. Cheiranthera volubilis
Taxonomic notes on some Australian species of Indigofera (Fabaceae- Faboideae)
Informed communities are adaptive communities: community-led monitoring of native vegetation condition.
Plant portrait 25. Acacia hexaneura P. Lang & R. Cowan (Leguminosae)
Plant portrait 17. Acacia araneosa
Plant Portrait 23. Spyridium tridentatum (Steudel) Benth. (Rhamnaceae)
Pre European Settlement Floristic Vegetation Mapping - South Australia
Four new species of Cyperaceae from Central Australia
A taxonomic revision of the genus Gmelina L. (Verbenaceae) in Australia
Rainfall harvesting to establish trees and shrubs on flat, sandy soil in the arid zone
Two new species of Dicrastylis J. Drumm. ex Harvey (Chloanthaceae) from Western Australia
The species of Malva L. and Lavatera L. (Malvaceae) naturalized in South Australia
Three new species of Tetragona and Trianthema (Aizoaceae)
Resolution of the Ptilotus parvifolius complex (Amaranthaceae)
The State Herbarium of South Australia
Sida section Sida in Australia: a revised key, a newly introduced species, S. subcordata Span., and name changes for S. rohlenae var. mutica (Benth.)Fryxell and S. magnifica Domin
Plant Portrait 20. Pultenaea trifida J. Black (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae)
A taxonomic revision of the genus Oncinocalyx F. Muell. (Verbenaceae).
Some observations on Salsola L. (Chenopodiaceae) in Australia
Prasophyllum calcicola, P. macrostachyum and P. ringens (Orchidaceae): three similar species from western and southern Australia
Australian Plant Census Precursor Papers 1 – Introduction to the series
The genus Microtis R. Br. (Orchidaceae): A taxonomic revision with notes on biology
Lists of gypsophilous plants from southern Australia
Studies in Australian Lamiaceae. 1. The genus Wrixonia F. Muell. (Prostantheroideae)
A review of the use of Eremophila (Myoporaceae) by Australian Aborigines
Notes on the genus Acacia in the Northern Territory
Analytical notes on the flora of South Australia
Name changes associated with the South Australian census of vascular plants for the calendar year 2011
An objective method for assessing the performance of amenity plantings
A taxonomic revision of the genus Hemiphora (Chloanthaceae)
Plant science for everyone: Kosciusko's new alpine 'Flora' (book review)
A new Nicotiana (Solanaceae) from near Coober Pedy, South Australia.
Acacia simmonsiana (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae: sect. Phyllodineae), a new species from south-eastern Australia
A taxonomic revision of the genus Huxleya Ewart (Verbenaceae)
Spyridium erymnocladum, a new species from the Eyre Peninsula, South Australia, and new stipule characters in Australian Rhamnaceae
Taxonomic account of Nicandra (Solanaceae) in Australia
One new species and two new subspecies of Eucalyptus from Southern Australia
The naturalised flora of South Australia. 2. Its development through time
Arid land Microtis (Orchidaceae) in Western Australia with the description of three new taxa
Variation in Lenbrassia G.W. Gillett (Gesneriaceae)
A new saxicolous species of Catillaria (lichenised Ascomycetes: Catillariaceae) from southern Australia
The species of Crassula L. in Australia
The reinstatement of Solanum shanesii F. Muell., Section Lycianthes (Solanaceae) with discussion of its significance
Notes on Teucrium L. (Labiatae)
One million and counting (2012 version)
A key to Aglaia (Meliaceae) in Australia, with a description of a new species, A. cooperae, from Cape York Peninsula, Queensland
A new species of Marsilea (Marsileaceae) from arid Australia
Spyridium tricolor (Rhamnaceae), a disjunct new species from the Great Australian Bight
New taxa and combinations in the Boraginaceae
A selection of Australian flower paintings by Ferdinand Bauer
Prasophyllum fecundum and P. occultans (Orchidaceae): two new species endemic to South Australia
A new species Lindernia cowiei and the variability of L. tenuifolia (subg. Bonnaya: Scrophulariaceae) in Northern Australia
Dieback in native vegetation in the South Australian Murry-Darling Basin: A guide to causes and symptoms.
Ecologically prescribed burning under Regulation 5(1)(zi).
Silver Daisy-bush, Olearia pannosa ssp. pannosa
Ptilotus bakeri, a new species of Amaranthaceae from Lake Eyre Region, South Australia
Daviesia and Leptosenza (Fabaceae) in Central Australia; new species and name changes
Taxonomic studies in Euphrasia L. (Scrophulariaceae). VII. A new species and a widely disjunct population from south-eastern Tasmania
Resin Wattle, Acacia rhetinocarpa
The identification of the type locality and collector of Acacia peuce F.Muell.
A new subspecies in Choretrum spicatum F.Muell. (Santalaceae) from South Australia
Four new species of Eucalyptus L'Herit. from South Australia
A revision of Ixiochlamys. (Asteraceae: Astereae)
Biological Survey of the Yellabinna Region SA 1987
The Marine Benthic Flora of South Australia. Rhodophyta. Part IIIA - Rhodophyta: Bangiophyceae and Florideophyceae (Acrochaetiales, Nemaliales, Gelidiales, Hildenbrandiales and Gigartinales
The Marine Benthic Flora of South Australia. Rhodophyta. Part IIIC - Rhodophyta: Ceramiales - Ceramiaceae, Dasyaceae
Biological Survey of the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Lands, South Australia, 1991-2001
Flora of South Australia: Myrtaceae (version 1)
South Australia's Offshore Islands
Toadstools and mushrooms and other larger fungi of South Australia Parts I and II 1934-1935
The Marine Benthic Flora of South Australia Part II - Phaeophyta and Chrysophyta (Vaucheria)
Biological Survey of the Yalata Indigenous Protected Area SA 2007-08
Orchids of South Australia
Flora of South Australia (3rd edition): Part I. Lycopodiaceae-Orchidaceae
The Marine Benthic Flora of South Australia. Rhodophyta. Part IIIB - Rhodophyta: Gracilariales, Rhodymeniales, Corallinales and Bonnemaisoniales
The botanical legacy of 1802: South Australian plants collected by Robert Brown and Peter Good on Matthew Flinders’ Investigator and by the French scientists on Baudin’s Géographe and Naturaliste
A revision of the genus Solanum in Australia
Biological Survey of the Stony Deserts SA 1994-97
Review of Acacia retinodes and closely related species, A. uncifolia and A. provincialis (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae: sect. Phyllodineae)
Vegetation Survey of the Kanowana Wetlands, Cooper Creek SA
Biological Survey of the South Olary Plains SA 1991-92
Biological Survey of the North Olary Plains SA 1995-97
Biological Survey of South East SA 1991 and 1997
Biological Survey of the Nantawarrina Indigenous Protected Area SA 2009
Biological Survey of the Eyre Peninsula
Taxonomic studies in Euphrasia L. (Scrophulariaceae). A revised infrageneric classification, and a revision of the genus in Australia
Mosses of South Australia
The Coongie Lakes Study
The Marine Benthic Flora of South Australia Part I - Introduction, Seagrasses, Chlorophyta and Charophyta
Biological survey of the Southern Mount Lofty Ranges SA 2000-01
Biological Survey of the Mid North and Yorke Peninsula SA 2003-4 (Vols 1 and 2)
Biological Survey of the Maralinga Tjuratja Lands SA 2001-07
Supplement to J.M. Black's Flora of South Australia (second edition 1943-1957)
A taxonomic revision of Australian Acanthaceae
Biological Survey of Grasslands and Grassy Woolands of the Lofty Block Bioregion SA
A fungal hotspot: Stringybark Walking Trail, Deep Creek Conservation Park, South Australia, and the conservation status of its macrofungi
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Chenopodiaceae (version 1)
Lichens of South Australia
Biological Survey of Kangaroo Island SA 1989-90
Biological Survey of Flinders Ranges SA 1997-99
Seaweeds of South Australia Part I Introduction and the Green and Brown Seaweeds
Census of South Australian vascular plants (4th edition)
A taxonomic revision of the genus Pityrodia (Chloanthaceae)
Securing the future: A long-term plan for the Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth.
Flora of South Australia (1st edition): Part IV Bignoniaceae-Compositae
Biological impacts of the 2005 wildfire on southern Eyre Peninsula SA
The Della and Marqualpie Landsystem's Faunal Monitoring Programme
Flora of South Australia (1st edition): Part II. Casuarinaceae-Euphorbiaceae
Biological Survey of Mount Willoughby Indigenous Protected Area SA 2003
Flora of South Australia (1st edition): Part I. Cyatheaceae-Orchidaceae
Flora of South Australia (1st edition): Part III Meliaceae-Scrophulariaceae
Biological Survey of the Murray Mouth Reserves SA 2002
Census of South Australian vascular plants (2nd edition)
A list of the vascular plants of South Australia (edition III)
Notes on Hibbertia (Dilleniaceae) 5. H. melhanioides and H. tomentosa groups from tropical Australia
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Amaranthaceae (version 2)
A taxonomic revision of Prostanthera Labill. section Klanderia (F. v. Muell.) Benth. (Labiatae)
Biological Survey of the Murray Mallee, South Australia
Census of South Australian vascular plants (1st edition)
Biological Survey of Yumbarra Conservation Park SA 1995
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Amaranthaceae (version 1)
State and transition model for the Eucalyptus porosa (Mallee Box) low rainfall grassy woodland community of the eastern flanks of the Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia
Biological Survey of Coastal Dune and Clifftop Vegetation South Australia 1996-98
Biological Survey of the Cooper Creek Environmental Association (8.4.4), North Eastern South Australia
Biological Survey of Tilley Swamp SA
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Asteraceae (Compositae) (partly) (version 1)
A taxonomic revision of Cassytha (Lauraceae) in Australia
A taxonomic revision of the genus Verbena L. (Verbenaceae) in Australia
A review of South Australian Wurmbea (Colchicaceae
Revision of the Cassiinae in Australia. 2. Senna Miller sect. Psilorhegma (J. Vogel) Irwin and Bameby
A revision of the genus Kunzea (Myrtaceae) I. The Western Australian section Zeanuk
Biological Survey of Box and Buloke Grassy Woodland in the Upper South-East of South Australia
Woodland Bushbids: Conservation in the northern Murray Plains and the southern rangelands of the South Australian Murray-Darling Basin 2012
Biological Survey of Yudnapinna Lakes and Woomera Prohibited Area Rainfall Response 2007
A taxonomic revision of the genus Clerodendrum (Verbenaceae) in Australia
Biodiversity Survey of Adelaide Parklands SA 2003
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Santalaceae (version 1)
Calandrinia mirabilis (Portulacaceae), a spectacular new species from Western Australia with notes on its ecology, seed germination and horticultural potential
Biological Survey of Messent Conservation Park SA 1994
Notes on Hibbertia (Dilleniaceae) 2. The H. aspera - empetrifolia complex
Biological Survey of Lake Hawdon SA
Notes on Hibbertia (Dilleniaceae) 3. H. sericea and associated species
Vegetation Map of the Western Gawler Ranges SA 2001
Vegetation Map of the Western Gawler Ranges SA 2001
What is happening to the woodland birds of the Mount Lofty Ranges?
Ethnobotanical field notes from the Northern Territory, Australia
The Australian genus Gunniopsis Pax (Aizoaceae)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Loranthaceae (version 1)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Droseraceae (version 1)
Biological Survey of the West Avenue Range SA 1999
A taxonomic revision of the genus Vitex L. (Verbenaceae) in Australia
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Convolvulaceae (version 2)
Bimbowrie Station Native Vegetation Survey
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Ranunculaceae (version 2)
Biological Survey of the North West Flinders Ranges SA 1997
Two new species of Australian Stenanthemum (Rhamnaceae), with a conspectus and key to species outside Western Australia
Regional Recovery Plan for Threatened Species and Ecological Communities of Adelaide and the Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia
A taxonomic revision of Centrolepis (Centrolepidaceae) in Australia
Nort-East Eyre Peninsula Conservation Reserves Biodiversity Asset Assessment 2009
A review of Melaleuca L. (Myrtaceae) in South Australia
Parks of the Riverland
Ecological fire management guidelines for native vegetation in South Australia.
Biological Survey of Deep Swamp SA 1996
Census of South Australian vascular plants (5th edition)
Target setting for restoration priorities in the South Australian Murray Mallee.
Census of South Australian vascular plants (5th edition)
A revision of the genus Stellaria (Caryophyllaceae) in Australia
Guide to the Roadside Vegatation Survey Methodology in South Australia
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Cucurbitaceae (version 1)
South Australian Native Vegetation Condition Indicator Pilot
A taxonomic revision of the genus Stachytarpheta Vahl (Verbenaceae) in Australia
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Fabaceae (Leguminosae) (partly) (version 1)
Biodiversity Survey of Gum Lagoon Conservation Park 1995-96
Novelties and taxonomic notes relating to Hakea sect. Hakea (Proteaceae), mainly of eastern Australia
A taxonomic revision of the genus Callicarpa L. (Verbenaceae) in Australia
Biological Survey of Bunbury Conservation Reserve and Stoneleigh Park Heritage Agreement South Australia
Framework for reporting on the condition of the Limestone Coast
Re-instatement of the name Spyridium waterhousei from Kangaroo Island, South Australia, with a short history of the tribe Pomaderreae (Rhamnaceae)
Notes on Zygophyllum (Zygophyllaceae) in Australia including the descriptions of five new species and one new subspecies, revised keys and typifications
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Ranunculaceae (version 1)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Glossary of botanical terms (version 1)
Why are new species described?
Carbon sequestration from revegetation: Southern Murray-Darling Basin region
Ten new species of Eremophila (Myoporaceae) from Central and Western Australia
A taxonomic review of Lantana camara L. and L. montevidensis (Spreng.)Briq. (Verbenaceae) in Australia
A floristic vegetation map of the Tallaringa area
Malva weinmanniana (Besser ex Rchb.) Conran, a new name for the pink-flowered form of M. preissiana Miq. (Malvaceae)
The solanaceous genera, Browallia, Capsicum, Cestrum, Cyphomandra, Hyoscyamus, Lycopersicon, Nierembergia, Physalis, Petunia, Salpichroa and Withania, naturalised in Australia
Early records of alien plants naturalised in South Australia
A taxonomic revision of the genus Chloanthes (Chloanthaceae)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Loganiaceae (version 2)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Centrolepidaceae (version 2)
Taxonomy of the South Australian species allied to Hakea ulicina R. Br. (Proteaceae)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Elaeocarpaceae (version 1)
Environmental Stewardship: Multiple ecological communities project - Information Booklet (SA 2011-2012)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Convolvulaceae (version 1)
Apium L. sect. Apium (Umbelliferae) in Australasia
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Picrodendraceae (version 1)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Passifloraceae (version 2)
A taxonomic revision of the Australian species of Hypolepis
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Centrolepidaceae (version 1)
Notes on Hibbertia subg. Hemistemma (Dilleniaceae) 9. The eastern Australian H. vestita group, including H. pedunculata and H. serpyllifolia
Dr Richard Schomburgk's 'Naturalised Weeds' (1879)
Notes on Hibbertia (Dillenieaceae) 8. Seven new species, a new combination and four new subspecies from subgen. Hemistemma, mainly from the central coast of New South Wales
A taxonomic revision of the genus Viticipremna H.J. Lam (Verbenaceae)
Acacia (Leguminosae-Mimosoideae): a contribution to the Flora of Central Australia
BushBids: Lock 3 to Swan Reach - Conservation along the River Murray and surrounding plains of the South Australian Murray-Darling Basin
Mulga. A revision of the major species
Bushbids: Riverbend management and vegetation map
Bushbids Riverbend boundary map
Revision of the Cassiinae in Australia. 1. Senna Miller sect. Chamaefistula (Colladon) Irwin and Barneby
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Tamaricaceae (version 1)
The vegetation and flora of Redcliff Point and surrounding areas, South Australia
Taxonomic studies in Euphrasia L. (Scrophulariaceae). V. New and rediscovered taxa, typifications, and other notes on the genus in Australia
A taxonomic revision of the genus Phyla Lour. (Verbenaceae) in Australia
A taxonomic revision of the genus Spartothamnella (Chloanthaceae)
David Eric Symon (1920-2011)
Roadside Vegetation Mapping - South Australia
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Gunneraceae (version 1)
Euphrasia amplidens W.R.Barker (Orobanchaceae), a new and very localised species from western Tasmania
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Berberidaceae (version 2)
Notes on Hibbertia (Dilleniaceae) 7. H. hermanniifolia group (subgen. Hemistemma) from mainly temperate eastern Australia
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Berberidaceae (version 1)
Taxonomic revision of Bergia (Elatinaceae) in Australia
Mallee Scrub. Making the most of what we have: protecting biodiversity and boosting productivity
A taxonomic revision of the genus Glossocarya Wallich ex Griffith (Verbenaceae) in Australia
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Commelinaceae (version 2)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Papaveraceae (partly) (version 2)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Xyridaceae (version 1)
Morphological variation and taxonomy of Isoetes muelleri A.Br
The species of Wurmbea (Liliaceae) in South Australia
A taxonomic revision of the genus Lippia [Houst. ex] Linn. (Verbenaceae) in Australia
Bushbids: Biodiversity Stewardship in the Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges (An initiative of the Maintaining Australia’s Biodiversity Hotspots Programme)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Hydatellaceae (version 1)
Notes on the genus Tribulopis (Zygophyllaceae) in Australia
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Loganiaceae (version 1)
New taxa, names and combinations in Lindernia, Peplidium, Stemodia and Striga (Scrophulariaceae) mainly of the Kimberley Region, Western Australia
Floristic Native Vegetation Mapping - South Australia
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Key to families (version 1)
Ngarkat Complex of Conservation Parks Management Plan.
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Commelinaceae (version 1)
The naturalised flora of South Australia. 4. Its manner of introduction
New species, new combinations and other name changes in Hakea (Proteaceae)
Taxonomic notes on Hakea Schrader (Proteaceae), mainly relating to South Australia
Soil crust lichens and mosses on calcrete-dominant soils at Maralinga in arid South Australia
Two new mallee species from South Australia in Eucalyptus L'Herit. ser. Rufispermae Maiden
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Papaveraceae (partly) (version 1)
Diversity in Acaena (Rosaceae) in South Australia
New species of Caloplaca (lichenised Ascomycota: Teloschistaceae) from Kangaroo Island
A revision of the genus Streptoglossa (Asteraceae:Inulaea)
Studies in the tribes Astereae and Inuleae (Compositae)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Introduction: How to use this flora (version 1)
A taxonomic revision of Aphelia (Centrolepidaceae)
Dr H.H. Behr's two visits to South Australia in 1844-45 and 1848-49
Notes on Hibbertia (Dilleniaceae). 6. Three new species and a new combination in the H. stricta complex from South Australia and Victoria
The genus Trachymene (Apiaceae) in the Northern Territory and new species from Western Australia
A taxonomic revision of the genus Premna L. (Verbenaceae) in Australia
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Passifloraceae (version 1)
The genus Malacocera R.H. Anderson (Chenopodiaceae)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Juglandaceae (version 1)
The mosses of the Northern Territory, Australia
Notes on Casuarinaceae II.
Notes on Hibbertia. I. New taxa from south-eastern Australia
Five new species of Eremophila (Myoporaceae) from Western Australia
New taxa, new combinations, keys and comments on generic concepts of Zygophyllum and a new species of Tribulus (Zygophyllaceae) in the manuscripts of the late Hj. Eichler
Taxonomic studies in Stackhousia Sm. (Stackhousiaceae) in South Australia
A taxonomic revision of the genus Ixodia (Asteraceae)
Calostemma abdicatum (Amaryllidacaeae), a new species of Garland Lily endemic to the Everard Ranges, and a comparison of the three species within Calostemma R.Br.
Revision of the Cassiinae in Australia. 3. Senna Miller sect. Senna
Fruit diversity and dispersal in Solanum in Australia
Biological Survey of the Gawler Ranges SA 1985
Impacts of salinity on the fauna of the Muray River Valley Floodplain SA 2002-04
The Marine Benthic Flora of South Australia. Rhodophyta. Part IIID - Rhodophyta: Ceramiales - Delessariaceae, Sarcomeniaceae, Rhodomelaceae
The vegetation of South Australia (second edition)
Biological Survey of the Marqualpie Land System SA 2008
Seaweeds of South Australia Part II The Red Seaweeds
Acacias of South Australia (2nd edition)
Carbon sequestration and biomass production rates from agroforestry in lower rainfall zones (300-650 mm) of South Australia: Southern Murray-Darling Basin Region
Carbon Sequestration from Revegetation: Southern Murray-Darling Basin Region
A landscape approach to determine the ecological value of paddock trees. Summary report years 1 and 2
Data on significant wilderness areas in the Alinytjara Wilurara and South Australian Arid Lands NRM Regions
Disruption of gene flow by drains constructed through native vegetation
Hemigenia yalgensis, a new species from the Mid-west region of Western Australia (Lamiaceae: Westringieae)
Observations on some calcicolous species of Lecania A.Massal. (lichenised Ascomycetes: Ramalinaceae) in southern Australia
The Coongie Lakes Study
Kangaroo Island Vegetation Mapping (1998)
Forests And Woodlands Of The Adelaide Plains In 1836 - A Native Vegetation Planting Guide
Fact Sheet
An Inventory of the Biological Resources of the Rangelands of South Australia
BDBSA Data Request Procedure
BDBSA Overview
BDBSA Supertable Field Definitions
BDBSA Supertable Overview
BDBSA Data - Notes and Conditions of Use
The Solanum petrophilum complex (Solanaceae) revised, with the description of three new species
Thelidium robustum sp. nov. (lichenized Ascomycota, Verrucariaceae) from Kangaroo Island, South Australia
Informing the development of the monitoring framework for native vegetation condition across the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges NRM region: workshop summary report
Native Vegetation Act 1991 - Map of The Corporation of the Town of Walkerville
Native Vegetation Act 1991 - Map of Adelaide Hills Council
Native Vegetation Act 1991 - Map of City of Burnside
Native Vegetation Act 1991 - Map of Campbelltown City Council
Native Vegetation Act 1991 - Map of City of Charles Sturt
Native Vegetation Act 1991 - Map of Town of Gawler
Native Vegetation Act 1991 - Map of City of Marion
Native Vegetation Act 1991 - Map of City of Playford
Native Vegetation Act 1991 - Map of City of Playford
Native Vegetation Act 1991 - Map of City of Port Adelaide Enfield
Native Vegetation Act 1991 - Map of City of Salisbury
Native Vegetation Act 1991 - Map of South Australia
Native Vegetation Act 1991 - Map of City of Tea Tree Gully
Site Planners Guide for CLLMM Region
Vegetation Program Vegetation Assessment 2013
Vegetation Program Vegetation Assessment 2014
Vegetation Program Vegetation Assessment 2015
Vegetation Program S. validus Monitoring 2013
Vegetation Program S. validus Monitoring 2013
Vegetation Program S. validus Monitoring 2013
Vegetation Program Plant Genetics Report 2015
Vegetation Program S. validus Monitoring 2013
Vegetation Program Landscape History 2013
Vegetation Program Soil Carbon 2012
Vegetation Program Soil Carbon 2013
Vegetation Program Phragmites australis Research 2016
Vegetation Program Seed Germination Trial 2016
Vegetation Program Grass Trial Survival Monitoring 2016
Vegetation Program S. validus Monitoring 2016
Aquatic Vegetation Contribution to Carbon Pools
Lower Lakes Carbon Project
Bird Assessment Surveys 2014
Entoloma ravinense (Agaricales, Basidiomycota), a new species from South Australia
Annual Monitoring of Rupia in the Coorong Region 2013
Annual Monitoring of Rupia in the Coorong Region 2014
Response of Ruppia in the Coorong to Water Delivery over Summer
Intervention Monitoring of Ruppia
Annual Monitoring of Rupia in the Coorong Region 2014
Distrubution and Abundance of Ruppia 2014
Water Quality Influences on Distribution of Ruppia
Resilience -Outline of Experimental Treatment and Patterns
Current Distibution and Abundance of Ruppia 2012
Annual Monitoring of Ruppia in the Coorong Region 2011
Developing Ecological Knowledge to Inform Re-establishment of Ruppia 2011
Condition Monitoring of Ruppia in Southern Coorong in Summer 2014
Trafficability Assessment
Wetland Condition Assessments 2014
Vegetation Conditioning Monitoring
Habitat Assessment Monitoring of Revegetated Areas
Wetland Condition Assessments 2015
Lower Lakes Vegetation Condition Monitoring 2011
Mapping Large Emergent Plant Communities
Establishment Success and Benefits of Schoenoplectus Tabernaemontani
Functional Indicators of Decomposition - Ecosystem Health
Aquatic and Littoral Vegetation Literature Review
Vegetation Program Guide to Restoring Vegetation in the CLLMM Region 2016
Wyndgate Property: Revegetation Site Assessments 2015, and Recommendations for Future Restoration Works
A synopsis and key for the lichen genus Caloplaca (Teloschistaceae) on Kangaroo Island, with the description of two new species
Evaluating Agroforestry Species and Industries for lower rainfall regions of South-eastern Australia. FloraSearch 1a
Agroforestry Species Profiles for Lower Rainfall Regions of South-eastern Australia. FloraSearch 1b
Review of Wood Products, Tannins and Exotic Species for Agroforestry in lower rainfall regions of southern Australia. FloraSearch 1c
Potential Agroforestry Species and Regional Industries for lower rainfall Southern Australia. FloraSearch 2
Developing Species for Woody Biomass Crops in Lower Rainfall Southern Australia. FloraSearch 3a
Reviews of High Priority Species for Woody Biomass Crops in Lower Rainfall Southern Australia. FloraSearch 3b
Regional Industry Potential for Woody Biomass Crops in Lower Rainfall Southern Australia - FloraSearch 3c
Performance of Native Plant Species in South Australian Woody Crop Trials. FloraSearch 4
Carbon sequestration from targeted carbon revegetation in the Southern Yorke Peninsula region
Plant biometrics and biomass productivity in the River Murray Dryland Corridor
Woody biomass productivity and potential biomass industries in the Upper South East
Carbon sequestration from revegetation: South Australian agricultural regions
DEWNR carbon sequestration from revegetation estimator tool - version 1.1 (.xlsx)
Carbon sequestration from targeted carbon revegetation in the WildEyre region
Systematic Botany-a vew from the Centre
Flora survey on Hiltaba Station and Gawler Ranges National Park: vascular plants, macrofungi, lichens, and bryophytes
Hiltaba Nature Reserve and Gawler Ranges National Park SA 2012: a Bush Blitz survey report
Biodiversity Plan for the South East of South Australia: GIS Application Methodology
The River Murray Planning Study: A Biological And Conservation Survey Of The River Murray In South Australia
A botanical survey of remnant vegetation in the Mid-North and Western Murray Flats
Conservation Status Of Upperstorey Mallee Vegetation In The Western Murraylands, South Australia: BOOK 2
Conserving Adelaide's Biodiversity: Resources
Coorong Health Check: Final report for 2000-01
Development Of A Biodiversity Database For Assessing Conservation Values Kangaroo Island Case Study
Expedition Witjira Interim Report 12-26 July 2003
A botanical survey of remnant vegetation and wetlands in the central and north eastern Mount Lofty Ranges
Revision of Kunzea (Myrtaceae). 2. Subgenera Angasomyrtus and Salisia (section Salisia) from Western Australia and subgenera Kunzea and Niviferae (sections Platyphyllae and Pallidiflorae) from eastern Australia
Notes concerning the classification of species included in Calocephalus R.Br. and Gnephosis Cass. (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae), with descriptions of new genera and species
Central Yorke Peninsula Conservation Areas Study
Guide To The Roadside Vegetation Survey Methodology In South Australia: Gis Data Entry, Editing And Display
1989 Habitat Assessment And Monitoring Of Danggali Conservation Park
A Landscape Assessment for the Southern Mt Lofty Ranges Landscape Version 2.0
Paney Station Lease Assessment Report
The roles of agricultural biodiversity in the McLaren Vale landscape
One million and counting (2016 version)
Leptecophylla in Tasmania: a reassessment of four species
State Herbarium Factsheet - Edible and poisonous fungi
State Herbarium Factsheet - Yellow Stainer
State Herbarium Factsheet - Death Cap
Kangaroo Island Fungi
Guide to carbon planting in South Australia: Report
Guide to carbon planting in South Australia: Summary maps - Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges
Guide to carbon planting in South Australia: Summary maps - Alinytjara Wilurara
Guide to carbon planting in South Australia: Summary maps - Eyre Peninsula
Guide to carbon planting in South Australia: Summary maps - Kangaroo Island
Guide to carbon planting in South Australia: Summary maps - Northern and Yorke
Guide to carbon planting in South Australia: Summary maps - South Australian Arid Lands
Guide to carbon planting in South Australia: Summary maps - South Australian Murray-Darling Basin
Guide to carbon planting in South Australia: Summary maps - South East
A Native Vegetation Survey of the Burra Hills Region of South Australia
A Native Vegetation Survey of the Yorke Peninsula Region of South Australia 1994
Native Vegetation Survey and Mapping over the Agricultural Region of South Australia
A Review of Innamincka Regional Reserve 1988-1998
Riparian vegetation: Benefits to landholders and ecosystems in the Goolwa to Wellington Local Action Planning region
The State Of Biological Resources In South Australia
Target setting for restoration priorities in the South Australian Murray Mallee
Vegetation Clearance In South Australia
BDBSA Data Returns Template v3.2
BDBSA Species Presence and Absence Observations
BDBSA Contributing data
Minimum Dataset Standards
Threatened Plant Species On Roadsides: Kangaroo Island, South Australia
Flora and fauna communities of the Cooper-Eromanga Basin
Goodenia asteriscus (Goodeniaceae), a new arid zone species from north-western South Australia and eastern Western Australia
Systematics 2017—Integrating Systematics for Conservation and Ecology
State Herbarium Field Label, Weeds (A5)
State Herbarium Field Label, Weeds (A4 for printing)
Pertusaria crassilabra Müll. Arg. – a reinstated name for an Australasian lichen
The Sturt pea through 300 years of Australian botanical exploration
The vegetation history of South Australia
South Australian lichens — A Kangaroo Island case study
The type of Sturt pea found
Micarea kartana sp. nov. (lichenised Ascomycetes) from Kangaroo Island, South Australia
Projected climate change implications for the South Australian flora
Floristic Vegetation and Tree Health Mapping, River Murray Floodplain, South Australia
Antrelloides atroceracea, a new genus and species in the Pezizaceae (Pezizales) from Australia
The Ptilotus murrayi species group: synonymisation of P. petiolatus under P. murrayi and description of the new Western Australian species P. unguiculatus (Amaranthaceae)
Environmental values in the Cooper-Eromanga Basin
Weird and wonderful plants of South Australia
CORRIGENDUM to: A new species of small black disc fungi, Smardaea australis (Pezizales, Pyronemataceae), is described from Australia
A new species of small black disc fungi, Smardaea australis (Pezizales, Pyronemataceae), is described from Australia
Comparative leaf morphology and cuticular anatomy of Akania bidwillii (Akaniaceae)
An annotated catalogue of the lichens of Kangaroo Island, South Australia
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Brassicaceae (partly) (version 1)
Validation of four new combinations in Eucalyptus (Myrtaceae) from south-western Western Australia
River Murray Wetland Classification Project
Grammosolen (Solanaceae - Anthocercideae) revisited
Rytidosperma robertsoniae (Poaceae), a new species from southern Australia
Floristic Native Vegetation Mapping - South Australia
Pre-European Settlement Floristic Vegetation Mapping - South Australia
Roadside Vegetation Mapping - South Australia
Biodiversity Plan for the South East of South Australia 1999 (pt 2)
Biodiversity Plan for the South East of South Australia 1999 (pt 1)
Biodiversity Plan Kangaroo Island South Australia 2001 (pt 3)
Biodiversity Plan Kangaroo Island South Australia 2001 (pt 1)
Biodiversity Plan Kangaroo Island South Australia 2001 (pt 2)
Biodiversity Plan for the South Australian Murray-Darling Basin 2001 (pt 3)
Biodiversity Plan for the South Australian Murray-Darling Basin 2001 (pt 1)
Biodiversity Plan for the South Australian Murray-Darling Basin 2001 (pt 2)
Biodiversity Plan for the Northern Agricultural Districts of South Australia 2001
Biodiversity Plan for the Northern Agricultural Districts of South Australia 2001 (pt 1)
Biodiversity Plan for the Northern Agricultural Districts of South Australia 2001 (pt 2)
Biodiversity Plan for Eyre Peninsula South Australia 2002 (pt 3)
Biodiversity Plan for Eyre Peninsula South Australia 2002 (pt 1)
Biodiversity Plan for Eyre Peninsula South Australia 2002 (pt 2)
Nomenclatural notes and typifications in Australian species of Paliureae (Rhamnaceae)
Clarification of the type locality of Amanita peltigera (Agaricales, Amanitaceae), phylogenetic placement within subgenus Amanitina, and an expanded description
A taxonomic review of the Styphelia intertexta group (Ericaceae: Epacridoideae: Styphelieae)
Taxonomic evaluation of Ptilotus manglesii (Amaranthaceae) and recognition of P. davisii for two phrase names in south-west Western Australia
State Herbarium plant collection sheet (pro-forma)
State Herbarium collection sheet (pro-forma)
Three species of Cryptandra (Rhamnaceae: Pomaderreae) from southern Australia allied to C. tomentosa
The Wehl family of South Australia and their botanical connections with “Dear Uncle” Baron Ferdinand von Mueller
A review of Colletieae and Discaria (Rhamnaceae) in Australia
Biological impacts of the 2005 wildfire on southern Eyre Peninsula: monitoring post-fire recovery within three years using Biological Survey of South Australia sites.
Further lectotypifications and nomenclatural notes on Rhamnaceae from northern Australia
The other ‘propeller plant’ – Notes on Stenanthemum Reissek (Rhamnaceae: Pomaderreae) and a key to the genus in Australia
The importance of the ‘h’ – Parahomonymy in Trymalium (Rhamnaceae: Pomaderreae)
Validation of two names of Australian orchids
Dry Creek Salt Fields Vegetation Impact Mapping Technical Report
Dry Creek Salt Fields Vegetation Impact Mapping Summary Report
Dry Creek Salt Field Vegetation Dieback Map
Phebalium calcicola (Rutaceae: Boronieae): a species described as new, restricted to south-eastern South Australia, is proposed as Critically Endangered
xPhelodia, a new nothogenus in Australian Orchidaceae
A taxonomic revision of the semi-cryptic narrow-leaved mallees (Eucalyptus series Porantherae, Myrtaceae) from southern Australia
A mixed bag of sequestrate fungi from five different families: Boletaceae, Russulaceae, Psathyrellaceae, Strophariaceae, and Hysterangiaceae
A review of the Spyridium eriocephalum complex (Rhamnaceae: Pomaderreae)
Spyridium bracteatum, a new species from Kangaroo Island allied to S. thymifolium (Rhamnaceae: Pomaderreae)
Summary of Coorong hydrological, biogeochemical and ecological models
Coorong decision-making framework, supporting ecosystem based management
Australian species of Rhamnaceae published by Turczaninow, their types, current names and synonyms
Updated nomenclature and an identification key for Hibbertia subg. Pachynema (Dilleniaceae), and description of a new species from the Northern Territory
Application of the Coorong Dynamics Model
Healthy Coorong, Healthy Basin Scientific Trials and Investigations data management framework
Hibbertia radians (Dilleniaceae), a new combination from South Australia
Green Adelaide Rocky Reef Program: Trends in the condition of rocky reef ecosystems of the greater Adelaide and Fleurieu Peninsula region, South Australia
Ptilotus durus (Amaranthaceae), a new species from northern South Australia
Alyogyne leptochlamys comb. et stat. nov. (Malvaceae): clarification and species rank for an often overlooked taxon from western South Australia and Western Australia
Ptilotus ostentans (Amaranthaceae), a new species from Western Australia segregated from Ptilotus seminudus
Technical information supporting the 2023 Aquatic ecosystem condition environmental trend and condition report card
Technical information supporting the 2023 Lower Lakes aquatic and littoral vegetation environmental trend and condition report card
Technical information supporting the 2023 River Murray floodplain trees condition environmental trend and condition report card
Technical information supporting the 2023 environmental trend and condition report cards based on SA land cover layers: wetlands, native vegetation, mangrove vegetation and coastal saltmarsh
Technical information supporting the 2023 native flora and fauna environmental trend and condition report cards
2023 Environmental trend and condition report card: Biodiversity, Coastal and marine, Mangrove vegetation: percentage cover
2023 Environmental trend and condition report card: Biodiversity, Coastal and marine, Native flora: percentage declining
2023 Environmental trend and condition report card: Biodiversity, Inland waters, Lower Lakes aquatic and littoral vegetation
2023 Environmental trend and condition report card: Biodiversity, Inland waters, Native flora: percentage declining
2023 Environmental trend and condition report card: Biodiversity, Inland waters, River Murray floodplain trees condition
2023 Environmental trend and condition report card: Biodiversity, Inland waters, Wetlands: percentage cover
2023 Environmental trend and condition report card: Biodiversity, Terrestrial, Native flora: percentage declining
2023 Environmental trend and condition report card: Biodiversity, Terrestrial, Native vegetation: percentage cover
2023 Environmental trend and condition report card: Biodiversity, Inland waters, Aquatic ecosystem condition: EPA condition assessments
Tracking changes in South Australia's environment: 51 trend and condition report cards 2023_Overview report
Tracking changes in South Australia's environment: 51 trend and condition report cards 2023_Full report
Notes on Hibbertia subgen. Hemistemma (Dilleniaceae) – 13. The eastern Australian H. acicularis and H. perhamata groups
State Herbarium Collection Data Sheet 2024
Native vegetation occurrence in the HRE Gawler Ranges East proposed release area
Native vegetation classes in the HRE Gawler Ranges East proposed release area
Likely occurrence of EPBC Act listed species in the HRE Gawler Ranges East proposed release area
Likely occurrence of EPBC Act listed species in the HRE Gawler Ranges East proposed release area (heatmap)
Likely occurrence of NPW Act listed species in the HRE Gawler Ranges East proposed release area
Likely occurrence of NPW Act listed species in the HRE Gawler Ranges East proposed release area (heatmap)
Native vegetation occurrence in the HRE Whyalla West proposed release area
Native vegetation classes in the HRE Whyalla West proposed release area
Likely occurrence of EPBC Act listed species in the HRE Whyalla West proposed release area
Likely occurrence of EPBC Act listed species in the HRE Whyalla West proposed release area (heatmap)
Likely occurrence of NPW Act listed species in the HRE Whyalla West proposed release area
Likely occurrence of NPW Act listed species in the HRE Whyalla West proposed release area (heatmap)
Mapping of legislated biodiversity values to inform DEM HRE Gawler Ranges East proposed release area: Summary of DEW approach, outputs, and interpretation considerations (September 2024)
Mapping of legislated biodiversity values to inform DEM HRE Whyalla West proposed release area: Summary of DEW approach, outputs, and interpretation considerations (September 2024)
A suprageneric classification of Oxalidales
Yalata-Fowlers Bay Bush Blitz: Vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens, macrofungi and marine macroalgae
1989 Habitat Assessment And Monitoring Of Danggali Conservation Park (10.8 MB PDF file)
2023 Environmental trend and condition report card: Biodiversity, Inland waters, River Murray floodplain trees condition (0.1 MB PDF file)
2023 Environmental trend and condition report card: Biodiversity, Terrestrial, Native flora: percentage declining (1 MB PDF file)
2023 Environmental trend and condition report card: Biodiversity, Terrestrial, Native vegetation: percentage cover (0.6 MB PDF file)
2023 Environmental trend and condition report card: Biodiversity, Coastal and marine, Mangrove vegetation: percentage cover (5.1 MB PDF file)
2023 Environmental trend and condition report card: Biodiversity, Coastal and marine, Native flora: percentage declining (1.4 MB PDF file)
2023 Environmental trend and condition report card: Biodiversity, Inland waters, Aquatic ecosystem condition: EPA condition assessments (1 MB PDF file)
2023 Environmental trend and condition report card: Biodiversity, Inland waters, Lower Lakes aquatic and littoral vegetation (0.1 MB PDF file)
2023 Environmental trend and condition report card: Biodiversity, Inland waters, Native flora: percentage declining (1 MB PDF file)
2023 Environmental trend and condition report card: Biodiversity, Inland waters, Wetlands: percentage cover (1 MB PDF file)
A botanical survey of remnant vegetation and wetlands in the central and north eastern Mount Lofty Ranges (16.2 MB PDF file)
A botanical survey of remnant vegetation in the Mid-North and Western Murray Flats (13.4 MB PDF file)
A checklist of the plants of Dalhousie Springs and their immediate environs (0.5 MB PDF file)
A contribution to the taxonomy of Triglochin (Juncaginaceae) (0.4 MB PDF file)
A floristic vegetation map of the Tallaringa area (2.3 MB PDF file)
A fungal hotspot: Stringybark Walking Trail, Deep Creek Conservation Park, South Australia, and the conservation status of its macrofungi (17.5 MB PDF file)
A guide to herbarium techniques book review
A key to Aglaia (Meliaceae) in Australia, with a description of a new species, A. cooperae, from Cape York Peninsula, Queensland (0.5 MB PDF file)
A key to Australian grasses book review
A landscape approach to determine the ecological value of paddock trees. Summary report years 1 and 2 (1.7 MB PDF file)
A Landscape Assessment for the Southern Mt Lofty Ranges Landscape Version 2.0 (3.6 MB PDF file)
A list of the vascular plants of South Australia (edition III) (9.1 MB PDF file)
A method to induce adventitious rooting in microshoot cultures of Thryptomene ericaea (Myrtaceae) (0.3 MB PDF file)
A mixed bag of sequestrate fungi from five different families: Boletaceae, Russulaceae, Psathyrellaceae, Strophariaceae, and Hysterangiaceae (13.4 MB PDF file)
A Native Vegetation Survey of the Burra Hills Region of South Australia (1.8 MB PDF file)
A Native Vegetation Survey of the Yorke Peninsula Region of South Australia 1994 (4.7 MB PDF file)
A naturally occurring putative interspecific hybrid in Eremophila (Myoporaceae) (0.4 MB PDF file)
A new Australian species of Duboisia R. Br. (Solanaceae) (0.4 MB PDF file)
A new combination in Operculina (Convolvulaceae) (0.2 MB PDF file)
A new Eucalyptus species from the Wyola region, in the far west of South Australia (0.4 MB PDF file)
A New Form of Solanum Fruit (0.3 MB PDF file)
A new gypsophilous Goodenia (Goodeniaceae) (0.4 MB PDF file)
A new Nicotiana (Solanaceae) from near Coober Pedy, South Australia. (0.6 MB PDF file)
A new Phebalium (Rutaceae) endemic to Kangaroo Island (0.4 MB PDF file)
A new saxicolous species of Catillaria (lichenised Ascomycetes: Catillariaceae) from southern Australia (0.6 MB PDF file)
A new series, Incognitae, of Eucalyptus L'Hér., including a new species endemic to Fleurieu Peninsula and Kangaroo Island (0.8 MB PDF file)
A new South Australian species of Pultenaea (Fabaceae, Mirbelieae) (0.4 MB PDF file)
A new species in Heliotropium (Boraginaceae) and a new combination in Abutilon (Malvaceae) (0.3 MB PDF file)
A new species Lindernia cowiei and the variability of L. tenuifolia (subg. Bonnaya: Scrophulariaceae) in Northern Australia (0.5 MB PDF file)
A new species of Acacia from the northern Territory (0.3 MB PDF file)
A new species of Brachycome (Asteraceae) from the Lake Eyre Region, South Australia (0.4 MB PDF file)
A new species of Cycas from the Northern Territory (0.4 MB PDF file)
A new species of Euphorbia subgenus Chamaesyce Raf. (Euphorbiaceae) from the Flinders Ranges, South Australia (0.5 MB PDF file)
A new species of Gymnanthera (Periplocaceae) in Australia (0.4 MB PDF file)
A new species of Marsilea (Marsileaceae) from arid Australia (0.5 MB PDF file)
A new species of Nicotiana (Solanaceae) from Dalhousie Springs, South Australia (0.4 MB PDF file)
A new species of Prasophyllum (Orchidaceae) from South Australia (0.4 MB PDF file)
A new species of Samolus (Primulaceae) (0.3 MB PDF file)
A new species of small black disc fungi, Smardaea australis (Pezizales, Pyronemataceae), is described from Australia (1.8 MB PDF file)
A new species of Swainsona (Fabaceae) (0.3 MB PDF file)
A new subspecies in Choretrum spicatum F.Muell. (Santalaceae) from South Australia (0.5 MB PDF file)
A new subspecies of Acacia beckleri (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae) from the Flinders Ranges, South Australia (0.3 MB PDF file)
A new subspecies of Brachyloma ericoides (Schldl.) Sond. (Epacridaceae) from South Australia (0.5 MB PDF file)
A new subspecies of Harnieria kempeana (Acanthaceae) from Western Australia (0.4 MB PDF file)
A note on Brachyscome rara G.L. Davis (Asteraceae) (0.3 MB PDF file)
A putative hybrid between Caladenia dilatata var. concinna and C. patersonii var. patersonii (Orchidaceae) (0.4 MB PDF file)
A putative hybrid between Prasophyllum archeri and P. despectans (Orchidaceae) (0.4 MB PDF file)
A putative hybrid between Pterostylis curta and P. pedunculata (Orchidaceae) from South Australia (0.4 MB PDF file)
A reappraisal of Ptilotus aristatus and P. blackii (Amaranthaceae) (0.4 MB PDF file)
A re-evaluation of Cassia oligophylla var. sericea Symon (Caesalpiniaceae). (0.3 MB PDF file)
A review of Colletieae and Discaria (Rhamnaceae) in Australia (1 MB PDF file)
A Review of Innamincka Regional Reserve 1988-1998 (9.6 MB PDF file)
A review of Melaleuca L. (Myrtaceae) in South Australia (3.3 MB PDF file)
A review of South Australian Wurmbea (Colchicaceae (5.8 MB PDF file)
A review of the Spyridium eriocephalum complex (Rhamnaceae: Pomaderreae) (7.2 MB PDF file)
A review of the use of Eremophila (Myoporaceae) by Australian Aborigines (0.6 MB PDF file)
A revision of Ixiochlamys. (Asteraceae: Astereae) (1 MB PDF file)
A revision of the genus Kunzea (Myrtaceae) I. The Western Australian section Zeanuk (5.4 MB PDF file)
A revision of the genus Solanum in Australia (28.3 MB PDF file)
A revision of the genus Stellaria (Caryophyllaceae) in Australia (2.8 MB PDF file)
A revision of the genus Streptoglossa (Asteraceae:Inulaea) (1.2 MB PDF file)
A selection of Australian flower paintings by Ferdinand Bauer (0.5 MB PDF file)
A summary of the family Lythraceae in the Northern Territory (with additional comments on Australian material) (0.4 MB PDF file)
A suprageneric classification of Oxalidales (0.2 MB PDF file)
A synopsis and key for the lichen genus Caloplaca (Teloschistaceae) on Kangaroo Island, with the description of two new species (10 MB PDF file)
A taxonomic review of Lantana camara L. and L. montevidensis (Spreng.)Briq. (Verbenaceae) in Australia (2.3 MB PDF file)
A taxonomic review of the Styphelia intertexta group (Ericaceae: Epacridoideae: Styphelieae) (2.7 MB PDF file)
A taxonomic revision of Aphelia (Centrolepidaceae) (1.1 MB PDF file)
A taxonomic revision of Australian Acanthaceae (18.5 MB PDF file)
A taxonomic revision of Cassytha (Lauraceae) in Australia (6.5 MB PDF file)
A taxonomic revision of Centrolepis (Centrolepidaceae) in Australia (3.4 MB PDF file)
A taxonomic revision of Nicotiana (Solanaceae) in Australia (0.8 MB PDF file)
A taxonomic revision of Prostanthera Labill. section Klanderia (F. v. Muell.) Benth. (Labiatae) (8.3 MB PDF file)
A taxonomic revision of the Australian species of Hypolepis (1.9 MB PDF file)
A taxonomic revision of the genus Callicarpa L. (Verbenaceae) in Australia (2.5 MB PDF file)
A taxonomic revision of the genus Chloanthes (Chloanthaceae) (2.1 MB PDF file)
A taxonomic revision of the genus Clerodendrum (Verbenaceae) in Australia (5.1 MB PDF file)
A taxonomic revision of the genus Glossocarya Wallich ex Griffith (Verbenaceae) in Australia (1.4 MB PDF file)
A taxonomic revision of the genus Gmelina L. (Verbenaceae) in Australia (0.7 MB PDF file)
A taxonomic revision of the genus Hemiphora (Chloanthaceae) (0.6 MB PDF file)
A taxonomic revision of the genus Huxleya Ewart (Verbenaceae) (0.6 MB PDF file)
A taxonomic revision of the genus Ixodia (Asteraceae) (1 MB PDF file)
A taxonomic revision of the genus Lippia [Houst. ex] Linn. (Verbenaceae) in Australia (1.3 MB PDF file)
A taxonomic revision of the genus Oncinocalyx F. Muell. (Verbenaceae). (0.7 MB PDF file)
A taxonomic revision of the genus Phyla Lour. (Verbenaceae) in Australia (1.7 MB PDF file)
A taxonomic revision of the genus Pityrodia (Chloanthaceae) (13.2 MB PDF file)
A taxonomic revision of the genus Premna L. (Verbenaceae) in Australia (1.1 MB PDF file)
A taxonomic revision of the genus Spartothamnella (Chloanthaceae) (1.6 MB PDF file)
A taxonomic revision of the genus Stachytarpheta Vahl (Verbenaceae) in Australia (2.6 MB PDF file)
A taxonomic revision of the genus Verbena L. (Verbenaceae) in Australia (6.1 MB PDF file)
A taxonomic revision of the genus Vitex L. (Verbenaceae) in Australia (3.7 MB PDF file)
A taxonomic revision of the genus Viticipremna H.J. Lam (Verbenaceae) (1.7 MB PDF file)
A taxonomic revision of the semi-cryptic narrow-leaved mallees (Eucalyptus series Porantherae, Myrtaceae) from southern Australia (59.1 MB PDF file)
Acacia (Leguminosae-Mimosoideae): a contribution to the Flora of Central Australia (1.7 MB PDF file)
Acacia simmonsiana (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae: sect. Phyllodineae), a new species from south-eastern Australia (0.6 MB PDF file)
Acacia spooneri (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae: sect. Phyllodineae), a new species from the Flinders Ranges, South Australia (0.5 MB PDF file)
Acacia symonii, a new species from the north-western region of South Australia (0.3 MB PDF file)
Acacia toondulya (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae: sect. Phyllodineae), a new species from Eyre Peninsula, South Australia (0.5 MB PDF file)
Acacia undoolyana: a new species from Central Australia (0.3 MB PDF file)
Acacias in Australia (book review) (0.4 MB PDF file)
Acacias of South Australia (2nd edition) (64.3 MB PDF file)
Additions to 'the species of Crassula L. in Australia' (0.4 MB PDF file)
Agroforestry Species Profiles for Lower Rainfall Regions of South-eastern Australia. FloraSearch 1b (7.8 MB PDF file)
Algae revealed – Pictorial keys and fact sheets for selected southern Australian algae
Allopterigeron, a new genus in Asteraceae (Inulaea) (0.4 MB PDF file)
Alyogyne leptochlamys comb. et stat. nov. (Malvaceae): clarification and species rank for an often overlooked taxon from western South Australia and Western Australia (8.8 MB PDF file)
Amendments to the third edition of J.M. Black's Flora of South Australia. (0.4 MB PDF file)
An annotated catalogue of the lichens of Kangaroo Island, South Australia (27.2 MB PDF file)
An anomalous South Australian Haloragis (Haloragaceae) (0.4 MB PDF file)
An Inventory of the Biological Resources of the Rangelands of South Australia (43.4 MB PDF file)
An objective method for assessing the performance of amenity plantings (0.6 MB PDF file)
Analytical notes on the flora of South Australia (0.6 MB PDF file)
Annual Monitoring of Rupia in the Coorong Region 2013 (0.6 MB PDF file)
Annual Monitoring of Rupia in the Coorong Region 2014 (0.6 MB PDF file)
Annual Monitoring of Rupia in the Coorong Region 2014 (0.8 MB PDF file)
Annual Monitoring of Ruppia in the Coorong Region 2011 (0.6 MB PDF file)
Antrelloides atroceracea, a new genus and species in the Pezizaceae (Pezizales) from Australia (4.6 MB PDF file)
APC Precursor Papers 1 A new combination Trema tomentose var aspera Brongn Hewson Ulmaceae
APC Precursor Papers 1 A new status in Nicotiana Solanaceae N monoschizocarpa PHorton Symon Lepschi
APC Precursor Papers 1 Eucalyptus viminalis subsp hentyensis Brooker Slee new from Tasmania
APC Precursor Papers 1 Stackhousia subterranea a new name and revised circumscription for S gunnii Hookf StackhousiaceaeCelastraceae
APC Precursor Papers 1 What is the gender of Sphenotoma Epacridaceae
APC Precursor Papers 1 Xylomelum benthamii Orchard a replacement name for Xylomelum salicinum Meisn Benth
Apium L. sect. Apium (Umbelliferae) in Australasia (2 MB PDF file)
Application of the Coorong Dynamics Model (13.9 MB PDF file)
Aquatic and Littoral Vegetation Literature Review (0.7 MB PDF file)
Aquatic Vegetation Contribution to Carbon Pools (7.5 MB PDF file)
Arid land Microtis (Orchidaceae) in Western Australia with the description of three new taxa (0.6 MB PDF file)
Atlas of Living Australia (ALA)
Atlas of Living Australia South Australian User Support (0.7 MB PDF file)
Australian Collaborative Rangelands Information System Biodiversity Monitoring Trial – Bimbowrie Conservation Park (0.9 MB PDF file)
Australian native plants book review
Australian Plant Census Precursor Papers 1 – Introduction to the series (0.7 MB PDF file)
Australian Plant Name Index (APNI)
Australian species of Rhamnaceae published by Turczaninow, their types, current names and synonyms (6.3 MB PDF file)
Backyards 4 Wildlife
BDBSA Contributing data (0.4 MB PDF file)
BDBSA Data - Notes and Conditions of Use (0.1 MB PDF file)
BDBSA Data Request Procedure (0.5 MB PDF file)
BDBSA Data Returns Template v3.2 (0.8 MB XLSX file)
BDBSA Metadata - Vascular Plant Taxonomy (0.5 MB PDF file)
BDBSA Overview (0.4 MB PDF file)
BDBSA Species Presence and Absence Observations (0.5 MB PDF file)
BDBSA Supertable Field Definitions (0.6 MB PDF file)
BDBSA Supertable Overview (0.5 MB PDF file)
Bimbowrie Station Native Vegetation Survey (3.5 MB PDF file)
Biodiversity Plan for Eyre Peninsula South Australia 2002 (pt 1) (55.2 MB PDF file)
Biodiversity Plan for Eyre Peninsula South Australia 2002 (pt 2) (70.3 MB PDF file)
Biodiversity Plan for Eyre Peninsula South Australia 2002 (pt 3) (4.2 MB PDF file)
Biodiversity Plan for the Northern Agricultural Districts of South Australia 2001 (pt 1) (52.5 MB PDF file)
Biodiversity Plan for the Northern Agricultural Districts of South Australia 2001 (pt 2) (65.6 MB PDF file)
Biodiversity Plan for the Northern Agricultural Districts of South Australia 2001 (3.3 MB PDF file)
Biodiversity Plan for the South Australian Murray-Darling Basin 2001 (pt 1) (79.6 MB PDF file)
Biodiversity Plan for the South Australian Murray-Darling Basin 2001 (pt 2) (100.5 MB PDF file)
Biodiversity Plan for the South Australian Murray-Darling Basin 2001 (pt 3) (3.6 MB PDF file)
Biodiversity Plan for the South East of South Australia 1999 (pt 1) (71.2 MB PDF file)
Biodiversity Plan for the South East of South Australia 1999 (pt 2) (3.7 MB PDF file)
Biodiversity Plan for the South East of South Australia: GIS Application Methodology (6.6 MB PDF file)
Biodiversity Plan Kangaroo Island South Australia 2001 (pt 1) (44.9 MB PDF file)
Biodiversity Plan Kangaroo Island South Australia 2001 (pt 2) (65.6 MB PDF file)
Biodiversity Plan Kangaroo Island South Australia 2001 (pt 3) (5.3 MB PDF file)
Biodiversity Survey of Adelaide Parklands SA 2003 (4.4 MB PDF file)
Biodiversity Survey of Gum Lagoon Conservation Park 1995-96 (2.6 MB PDF file)
Biological impacts of the 2005 wildfire on southern Eyre Peninsula SA (12.1 MB PDF file)
Biological impacts of the 2005 wildfire on southern Eyre Peninsula: monitoring post-fire recovery within three years using Biological Survey of South Australia sites. (6.4 MB PDF file)
Biological Survey of Box and Buloke Grassy Woodland in the Upper South-East of South Australia (5.1 MB PDF file)
Biological Survey of Bunbury Conservation Reserve and Stoneleigh Park Heritage Agreement South Australia (2.5 MB PDF file)
Biological Survey of Coastal Dune and Clifftop Vegetation South Australia 1996-98 (7.6 MB PDF file)
Biological Survey of Deep Swamp SA 1996 (3.1 MB PDF file)
Biological Survey of Flinders Ranges SA 1997-99 (16.9 MB PDF file)
Biological Survey of Grasslands and Grassy Woolands of the Lofty Block Bioregion SA (18.3 MB PDF file)
Biological Survey of Kangaroo Island SA 1989-90 (17 MB PDF file)
Biological Survey of Lake Hawdon SA (4 MB PDF file)
Biological Survey of Messent Conservation Park SA 1994 (4.2 MB PDF file)
Biological Survey of Mount Willoughby Indigenous Protected Area SA 2003 (10 MB PDF file)
Biological Survey of South East SA 1991 and 1997 (24.3 MB PDF file)
Biological Survey of the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Lands, South Australia, 1991-2001 (34.3 MB PDF file)
Biological Survey of the Cooper Creek Environmental Association (8.4.4), North Eastern South Australia (7.6 MB PDF file)
Biological Survey of the Eyre Peninsula (22.8 MB PDF file)
Biological Survey of the Gawler Ranges SA 1985 (47.4 MB PDF file)
Biological Survey of the Maralinga Tjuratja Lands SA 2001-07 (20.4 MB PDF file)
Biological Survey of the Marqualpie Land System SA 2008 (52.7 MB PDF file)
Biological Survey of the Mid North and Yorke Peninsula SA 2003-4 (Vols 1 and 2) (20.5 MB PDF file)
Biological Survey of the Murray Mallee, South Australia (8.3 MB PDF file)
Biological Survey of the Murray Mouth Reserves SA 2002 (9.2 MB PDF file)
Biological Survey of the Nantawarrina Indigenous Protected Area SA 2009 (23.7 MB PDF file)
Biological Survey of the North Olary Plains SA 1995-97 (24.4 MB PDF file)
Biological Survey of the North West Flinders Ranges SA 1997 (3.4 MB PDF file)
Biological Survey of the South Olary Plains SA 1991-92 (26.1 MB PDF file)
Biological survey of the Southern Mount Lofty Ranges SA 2000-01 (20.6 MB PDF file)
Biological Survey of the Stony Deserts SA 1994-97 (28.1 MB PDF file)
Biological Survey of the West Avenue Range SA 1999 (3.8 MB PDF file)
Biological Survey of the Yalata Indigenous Protected Area SA 2007-08 (30.6 MB PDF file)
Biological Survey of the Yellabinna Region SA 1987 (37.8 MB PDF file)
Biological Survey of Tilley Swamp SA (7 MB PDF file)
Biological Survey of Yudnapinna Lakes and Woomera Prohibited Area Rainfall Response 2007 (5.1 MB PDF file)
Biological Survey of Yumbarra Conservation Park SA 1995 (8 MB PDF file)
Bird Assessment Surveys 2014 (5.1 MB PDF file)
Book review. Acacias of South Australia (0.2 MB PDF file)
Bookmark Creek and Wetland: Pre-feasibility factsheet. (0.4 MB PDF file)
Bushbids Riverbend boundary map (1.7 MB PDF file)
Bushbids: Biodiversity Stewardship in the Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges (An initiative of the Maintaining Australia’s Biodiversity Hotspots Programme) (1.3 MB PDF file)
BushBids: Lock 3 to Swan Reach - Conservation along the River Murray and surrounding plains of the South Australian Murray-Darling Basin (1.7 MB PDF file)
BushBids: Lock 3 to Swan Reach, Riverbend - Overview (0.2 MB PDF file)
Bushbids: Murray Bridge to Naracoorte (South East). (0.2 MB PDF file)
Bushbids: Murray Bridge to Naracoorte (South Eastern). Information sheet 01. (0.2 MB PDF file)
Bushbids: Murray Bridge to Naracoorte (south Eastern). Information sheet 02. (0.2 MB PDF file)
Bushbids: Murray Bridge to Naracoorte (south Eastern). Information sheet 03. (0.2 MB PDF file)
Bushbids: Murray Bridge to Naracoorte (south Eastern). Information sheet 04. (0.2 MB PDF file)
Bushbids: RiverBend - Information sheet 01 - Q&A (0.1 MB PDF file)
Bushbids: Riverbend - Information sheet 02 - Site visits (0.1 MB PDF file)
Bushbids: RiverBend - Information sheet 03 - Management Services (0.1 MB PDF file)
Bushbids: Riverbend - Information sheet 05 - Submission and assessment of bids (0.1 MB PDF file)
Bushbids: Riverbend management and vegetation map (1.7 MB PDF file)
Calandrinia mirabilis (Portulacaceae), a spectacular new species from Western Australia with notes on its ecology, seed germination and horticultural potential (4.3 MB PDF file)
Callitriche (Callitrichaceae) in South Australia (0.4 MB PDF file)
Calostemma abdicatum (Amaryllidacaeae), a new species of Garland Lily endemic to the Everard Ranges, and a comparison of the three species within Calostemma R.Br. (1 MB PDF file)
Carbon sequestration and biomass production rates from agroforestry in lower rainfall zones (300-650 mm) of South Australia: Southern Murray-Darling Basin Region (1.4 MB PDF file)
Carbon sequestration from revegetation: South Australian agricultural regions (12 MB PDF file)
Carbon Sequestration from Revegetation: Southern Murray-Darling Basin Region (2.3 MB PDF file)
Carbon sequestration from revegetation: Southern Murray-Darling Basin region (2.3 MB PDF file)
Carbon sequestration from targeted carbon revegetation in the Southern Yorke Peninsula region (5.7 MB PDF file)
Carbon sequestration from targeted carbon revegetation in the WildEyre region (4.9 MB PDF file)
Census of South Australian plants algae and fungi
Census of South Australian vascular plants (1st edition) (8.2 MB PDF file)
Census of South Australian vascular plants (2nd edition) (9.2 MB PDF file)
Census of South Australian vascular plants (4th edition) (13.5 MB PDF file)
Census of South Australian vascular plants (5th edition) (3 MB PDF file)
Census of South Australian vascular plants (5th edition) (2.8 MB PDF file)
Central Yorke Peninsula Conservation Areas Study (17.3 MB PDF file)
Claret Ash - Fraxinus oxycarpa Bieb. ex Willd. cv. Raywood: its origin in South Australia (0.3 MB PDF file)
Clarification of the type locality of Amanita peltigera (Agaricales, Amanitaceae), phylogenetic placement within subgenus Amanitina, and an expanded description (2.2 MB PDF file)
Coloured Spider Orchard, Caladenia colorata (0.5 MB PDF file)
Comparative leaf morphology and cuticular anatomy of Akania bidwillii (Akaniaceae) (6.6 MB PDF file)
Condition Monitoring of Ruppia in Southern Coorong in Summer 2014 (0.9 MB PDF file)
Conservation Status Of Upperstorey Mallee Vegetation In The Western Murraylands, South Australia: BOOK 2 (5.9 MB PDF file)
Conserving Adelaide's Biodiversity: Resources (18.9 MB PDF file)
Coorong decision-making framework, supporting ecosystem based management (1.7 MB PDF file)
Coorong Health Check: Final report for 2000-01 (1.9 MB PDF file)
Correction (Hibbertia appressa) (0.2 MB PDF file)
Corrigenda and addenda to the supplement to J.M. Black's Flora of South Australia (second edition 1943-1957) (0.3 MB PDF file)
Corrigenda: Vol. 5 & Vol. 7(1) (0.2 MB PDF file)
CORRIGENDUM to: A new species of small black disc fungi, Smardaea australis (Pezizales, Pyronemataceae), is described from Australia (0.4 MB PDF file)
Corrigendum. Notes on Hibbertia (Dilleniaceae). 5. (0.3 MB PDF file)
Cryptandra uncinata (F. Muell. ex Baill.) Griin. is a synonym of Eremophila sturtii (0.3 MB PDF file)
CSIRO Handbook of Australian Weeds (book review) (0.2 MB PDF file)
Current Distibution and Abundance of Ruppia 2012 (1.6 MB PDF file)
Data on significant wilderness areas in the Alinytjara Wilurara and South Australian Arid Lands NRM Regions (4.1 MB PDF file)
David Eric Symon (1920-2011) (1.6 MB PDF file)
Daviesia and Leptosenza (Fabaceae) in Central Australia; new species and name changes (0.5 MB PDF file)
Daviesia arenaria (Fabaceae), a new species from the mallee lands of south-east Australia (0.4 MB PDF file)
Detecting polyploidy in herbarium specimens of Quandong (Santalum acuminatum (R. Br.)A.DC.) (0.5 MB PDF file)
Developing Ecological Knowledge to Inform Re-establishment of Ruppia 2011 (1.3 MB PDF file)
Developing Species for Woody Biomass Crops in Lower Rainfall Southern Australia. FloraSearch 3a (2.3 MB PDF file)
Development Of A Biodiversity Database For Assessing Conservation Values Kangaroo Island Case Study (2.9 MB PDF file)
DEWNR carbon sequestration from revegetation estimator tool - version 1.1 (.xlsx) (0.7 MB XLSX file)
Dichromochlamys, a new genus in Asteraceae (Astereae) (0.4 MB PDF file)
Dieback in native vegetation in the South Australian Murry-Darling Basin: A guide to causes and symptoms. (0.5 MB PDF file)
Disruption of gene flow by drains constructed through native vegetation (0.1 MB PDF file)
Distrubution and Abundance of Ruppia 2014 (2.7 MB PDF file)
Diversity in Acaena (Rosaceae) in South Australia (1.2 MB PDF file)
Dr H.H. Behr's two visits to South Australia in 1844-45 and 1848-49 (1.1 MB PDF file)
Dr Richard Schomburgk's 'Naturalised Weeds' (1879) (1.8 MB PDF file)
Drosera hookeri R.P.Gibson, B.J.Conn & Conran, a replacement name for Drosera foliosa Hook.f. ex Planch., nom. illeg. (Droseraceae) (0.4 MB PDF file)
Drosera praefolia Tepper: a species endemic to South Australia (0.4 MB PDF file)
Dry Creek Salt Field Vegetation Dieback Map (7.7 MB PDF file)
Dry Creek Salt Fields Vegetation Impact Mapping Summary Report (2.4 MB PDF file)
Dry Creek Salt Fields Vegetation Impact Mapping Technical Report (3.9 MB PDF file)
Early records of alien plants naturalised in South Australia (2.2 MB PDF file)
Ecological fire management guidelines for native vegetation in South Australia. (3.1 MB PDF file)
Ecological fire management strategy: Broom and Gorse. (0.1 MB PDF file)
Ecological Outcomes of Flow Regimes in the Murray-Darling Basin
Ecologically prescribed burning under Regulation 5(1)(zi). (0.5 MB PDF file)
Ecology and conservation of Tasmanian Sphagnum peatlands book review
Electronic Flora of South Australia (eFloraSA)
Endangered species in the South Australian native vascular flora (0.3 MB PDF file)
Enhancing Germplasm Conservation for Australian Agriculture
EnrichTM – building better grazing systems through perennial shrubs
Entoloma ravinense (Agaricales, Basidiomycota), a new species from South Australia (1.8 MB PDF file)
Environmental Stewardship South Australia 2011-12: Multiple ecological communities project (0.2 MB PDF file)
Environmental Stewardship: Multiple ecological communities project - Information Booklet (SA 2011-2012) (2 MB PDF file)
Environmental values in the Cooper-Eromanga Basin (22.8 MB PDF file)
Eremophila linsmithii, a new species of Myoporaceae from Queensland (0.4 MB PDF file)
Eremophila tietkensii F.Muell. & Tate (Myoporaceae), a misinterpreted species (0.5 MB PDF file)
Establishing native plants in the arid zone (0.5 MB PDF file)
Establishment Success and Benefits of Schoenoplectus Tabernaemontani (1.3 MB PDF file)
Ethnobotanical field notes from the Northern Territory, Australia (4 MB PDF file)
Eucalyptus splendens subsp. arcana (Myrtaceae), an endangered new subspecies endemic to South Australia (0.5 MB PDF file)
Euphrasia amplidens W.R.Barker (Orobanchaceae), a new and very localised species from western Tasmania (1.5 MB PDF file)
Evaluating Agroforestry Species and Industries for lower rainfall regions of South-eastern Australia. FloraSearch 1a (4.7 MB PDF file)
Expedition Witjira Interim Report 12-26 July 2003 (11.6 MB PDF file)
Fact Sheet (3.3 MB PDF file)
Five new species of Eremophila (Myoporaceae) from Western Australia (1 MB PDF file)
Flora and fauna communities of the Cooper-Eromanga Basin (20.4 MB PDF file)
Flora of Australia Volume 12: Mimosaceae (excluding Acacia) Caesalpiniaceae (book review) (0.3 MB PDF file)
Flora of Australia Volume 16 Elaeagnaceae Proteaceae 1 book review
Flora of Australia Volume 55: Lichens-Lecanorales 2, Parmeliaceae (book review) (0.4 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (1st edition): Part I. Cyatheaceae-Orchidaceae (9.9 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (1st edition): Part II. Casuarinaceae-Euphorbiaceae (11.4 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (1st edition): Part III Meliaceae-Scrophulariaceae (9.7 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (1st edition): Part IV Bignoniaceae-Compositae (12.8 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (3rd edition): Part I. Lycopodiaceae-Orchidaceae (29.4 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Amaranthaceae (version 1) (7.8 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Amaranthaceae (version 2) (8.5 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Asteraceae (Compositae) (partly) (version 1) (6.9 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Berberidaceae (version 1) (1.5 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Berberidaceae (version 2) (1.5 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Brassicaceae (partly) (version 1) (8.4 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Centrolepidaceae (version 1) (1.8 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Centrolepidaceae (version 2) (2.1 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Chenopodiaceae (version 1) (17.5 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Commelinaceae (version 1) (1.2 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Commelinaceae (version 2) (1.4 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Convolvulaceae (version 1) (2 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Convolvulaceae (version 2) (3.6 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Cucurbitaceae (version 1) (2.8 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Droseraceae (version 1) (3.8 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Elaeocarpaceae (version 1) (2 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Fabaceae (Leguminosae) (partly) (version 1) (2.6 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Glossary of botanical terms (version 1) (2.4 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Gunneraceae (version 1) (1.5 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Hydatellaceae (version 1) (1.3 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Introduction: How to use this flora (version 1) (1.1 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Juglandaceae (version 1) (1.1 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Key to families (version 1) (1.2 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Loganiaceae (version 1) (1.3 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Loganiaceae (version 2) (2.1 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Loranthaceae (version 1) (3.9 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Papaveraceae (partly) (version 1) (1.2 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Papaveraceae (partly) (version 2) (1.4 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Passifloraceae (version 1) (1.1 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Passifloraceae (version 2) (2 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Picrodendraceae (version 1) (2 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Ranunculaceae (version 1) (2.4 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Ranunculaceae (version 2) (3.5 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Santalaceae (version 1) (4.4 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Tamaricaceae (version 1) (1.7 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition): Xyridaceae (version 1) (1.4 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia (5th edition) (0.8 MB PDF file)
Flora of South Australia: Myrtaceae (version 1) (33.7 MB PDF file)
Flora survey on Hiltaba Station and Gawler Ranges National Park: vascular plants, macrofungi, lichens, and bryophytes (5.9 MB PDF file)
Floristic Native Vegetation Mapping - South Australia (1.2 MB PDF file)
Floristic Native Vegetation Mapping - South Australia (1.2 MB PDF file)
Floristic Vegetation and Tree Health Mapping, River Murray Floodplain, South Australia (4.1 MB PDF file)
Forests And Woodlands Of The Adelaide Plains In 1836 - A Native Vegetation Planting Guide (1.8 MB PDF file)
Four new species of Cyperaceae from Central Australia (0.7 MB PDF file)
Four new species of Eucalyptus L'Herit. from South Australia (1 MB PDF file)
Framework for reporting on the condition of the Limestone Coast (2.4 MB PDF file)
Fruit diversity and dispersal in Solanum in Australia (1 MB PDF file)
Functional Indicators of Decomposition - Ecosystem Health (1.6 MB PDF file)
Further lectotypifications and nomenclatural notes on Rhamnaceae from northern Australia (7.7 MB PDF file)
Gahnia halmaturina (Cyperaceae: Schoeneae), a new species from Kangaroo Island, South Australia (0.9 MB PDF file)
Genetics of white-flowered cultivars derived from Watsonia borbonica (Iridaceae) (0.5 MB PDF file)
Geoscience Australia (GA)
Goodenia asteriscus (Goodeniaceae), a new arid zone species from north-western South Australia and eastern Western Australia (1.6 MB PDF file)
Goodenia micrantha Hemsley ex Carolin, an interesting new record for South Australia. (0.4 MB PDF file)
Grammosolen (Solanaceae - Anthocercideae) revisited (6 MB PDF file)
Green Adelaide Rocky Reef Program: Trends in the condition of rocky reef ecosystems of the greater Adelaide and Fleurieu Peninsula region, South Australia (3 MB PDF file)
Grevillea pauciflora R. Br. ssp. leptophylla (Proteaceae), a new subspecies from Eyre Peninsula, South Australia (0.5 MB PDF file)
Guide to a Native Vegetation Survey (Agricultural Region) using the Biological survey of South Australia (1 MB PDF file)
Guide to carbon planting in South Australia: Report (2.1 MB PDF file)
Guide to carbon planting in South Australia: Summary maps - Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges (2.3 MB PDF file)
Guide to carbon planting in South Australia: Summary maps - Alinytjara Wilurara (1.9 MB PDF file)
Guide to carbon planting in South Australia: Summary maps - Eyre Peninsula (1.9 MB PDF file)
Guide to carbon planting in South Australia: Summary maps - Kangaroo Island (2.2 MB PDF file)
Guide to carbon planting in South Australia: Summary maps - Northern and Yorke (2.7 MB PDF file)
Guide to carbon planting in South Australia: Summary maps - South Australian Arid Lands (2.2 MB PDF file)
Guide to carbon planting in South Australia: Summary maps - South Australian Murray-Darling Basin (1.1 MB PDF file)
Guide to carbon planting in South Australia: Summary maps - South East (2.2 MB PDF file)
Guide to the Roadside Vegatation Survey Methodology in South Australia (2.8 MB PDF file)
Guide To The Roadside Vegetation Survey Methodology In South Australia: Gis Data Entry, Editing And Display (3.2 MB PDF file)
Habitat Assessment Monitoring of Revegetated Areas (1.4 MB PDF file)
Hakea pulvinifera L. Johnson (Proteaceae): a rediscovered species under threat (0.3 MB PDF file)
Hansjoerg Eichler, 1 April 1916-22 June 1992 (0.5 MB PDF file)
Healthy Coorong, Healthy Basin Scientific Trials and Investigations data management framework (1.5 MB PDF file)
Hemigenia yalgensis, a new species from the Mid-west region of Western Australia (Lamiaceae: Westringieae) (0.9 MB PDF file)
Hibbertia radians (Dilleniaceae), a new combination from South Australia (6.1 MB PDF file)
Hiltaba Nature Reserve and Gawler Ranges National Park SA 2012: a Bush Blitz survey report (5.7 MB PDF file)
Hindmarsch Island wetland complex: Pre-feasibility fact sheet. (0.4 MB PDF file)
Historical aspects of the origin and distribution of tagasaste (Chamaecytisus proliferus (L. fil.)Link ssp. palmensis (Christ)Kunkel), a fodder tree from the Canary Islands (0.9 MB PDF file)
Impacts of salinity on the fauna of the Muray River Valley Floodplain SA 2002-04 (42.7 MB PDF file)
Informed communities are adaptive communities: community-led monitoring of native vegetation condition. (0.7 MB PDF file)
Informing the development of the monitoring framework for native vegetation condition across the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges NRM region: workshop summary report (0.7 MB PDF file)
Intervention Monitoring of Ruppia (0.9 MB PDF file)
Irenepharsus, a new genus in the Brassicaceae in Australia (0.4 MB PDF file)
Kangaroo Island Fungi (0.6 MB PDF file)
Kangaroo Island Vegetation Mapping (1998) (45.4 MB PDF file)
Know Our Plants – Blog for friends of the State Herbarium of South Australia
Lectotypifications and nomenclatural notes on Rhamnaceae from northern Australia (0.3 MB PDF file)
Leptecophylla in Tasmania: a reassessment of four species (12.5 MB PDF file)
Lichens of South Australia (17.1 MB PDF file)
Likely occurrence of EPBC Act listed species in the HRE Gawler Ranges East proposed release area (heatmap) (1.3 MB PDF file)
Likely occurrence of EPBC Act listed species in the HRE Gawler Ranges East proposed release area (1.4 MB PDF file)
Likely occurrence of EPBC Act listed species in the HRE Whyalla West proposed release area (heatmap) (1.3 MB PDF file)
Likely occurrence of EPBC Act listed species in the HRE Whyalla West proposed release area (1.4 MB PDF file)
Likely occurrence of NPW Act listed species in the HRE Gawler Ranges East proposed release area (heatmap) (1.3 MB PDF file)
Likely occurrence of NPW Act listed species in the HRE Gawler Ranges East proposed release area (1.3 MB PDF file)
Likely occurrence of NPW Act listed species in the HRE Whyalla West proposed release area (heatmap) (1.3 MB PDF file)
Likely occurrence of NPW Act listed species in the HRE Whyalla West proposed release area (1.3 MB PDF file)
Lists of gypsophilous plants from southern Australia (0.6 MB PDF file)
Lower Lakes Carbon Project (6.2 MB PDF file)
Lower Lakes Vegetation Condition Monitoring 2011 (1.2 MB PDF file)
Mallee Scrub. Making the most of what we have: protecting biodiversity and boosting productivity (1.4 MB PDF file)
Malva preissiana Miq., an overlooked name for Lavatera plebeia Sims (Malvaceae), with a note on variation within the species (0.4 MB PDF file)
Malva weinmanniana (Besser ex Rchb.) Conran, a new name for the pink-flowered form of M. preissiana Miq. (Malvaceae) (2.2 MB PDF file)
Mapping Large Emergent Plant Communities (1.2 MB PDF file)
Mapping of legislated biodiversity values to inform DEM HRE Gawler Ranges East proposed release area: Summary of DEW approach, outputs, and interpretation considerations (September 2024) (1.4 MB PDF file)
Mapping of legislated biodiversity values to inform DEM HRE Whyalla West proposed release area: Summary of DEW approach, outputs, and interpretation considerations (September 2024) (1.5 MB PDF file)
Martin Bend Wetlands: Pre-feasibility fact sheet. (0.4 MB PDF file)
Metallic Sun-orchard, Thelymitra epipactoides (0.5 MB PDF file)
Micarea kartana sp. nov. (lichenised Ascomycetes) from Kangaroo Island, South Australia (0.7 MB PDF file)
Minimum Dataset Standards (0.5 MB PDF file)
Monarto Mintbush, Prostanthera eurybioides (0.4 MB PDF file)
Monarto mintbush, Prostanthera eurybioides (0.2 MB PDF file)
Morphological variation and taxonomy of Isoetes muelleri A.Br (1.4 MB PDF file)
Mosses of South Australia (21.5 MB PDF file)
Mulga. A revision of the major species (1.7 MB PDF file)
Name changes associated with the South Australian census of vascular plants for the calendar year 2011 (0.6 MB PDF file)
Native trees and shrubs of south eastern Australia book review
Native Vegetation Act 1991 - Map of Adelaide Hills Council (1.8 MB PDF file)
Native Vegetation Act 1991 - Map of Campbelltown City Council (1.1 MB PDF file)
Native Vegetation Act 1991 - Map of City of Burnside (1.1 MB PDF file)
Native Vegetation Act 1991 - Map of City of Charles Sturt (1.5 MB PDF file)
Native Vegetation Act 1991 - Map of City of Marion (1.5 MB PDF file)
Native Vegetation Act 1991 - Map of City of Playford (1.5 MB PDF file)
Native Vegetation Act 1991 - Map of City of Playford (1.2 MB PDF file)
Native Vegetation Act 1991 - Map of City of Port Adelaide Enfield (1.3 MB PDF file)
Native Vegetation Act 1991 - Map of City of Salisbury (1.3 MB PDF file)
Native Vegetation Act 1991 - Map of City of Tea Tree Gully (1.3 MB PDF file)
Native Vegetation Act 1991 - Map of South Australia (1.3 MB PDF file)
Native Vegetation Act 1991 - Map of The Corporation of the Town of Walkerville (0.8 MB PDF file)
Native Vegetation Act 1991 - Map of Town of Gawler (1 MB PDF file)
Native vegetation classes in the HRE Gawler Ranges East proposed release area (1.4 MB PDF file)
Native vegetation classes in the HRE Whyalla West proposed release area (1.4 MB PDF file)
Native Vegetation Heritage Agreements FAQ (0.2 MB PDF file)
Native vegetation occurrence in the HRE Gawler Ranges East proposed release area (1.3 MB PDF file)
Native vegetation occurrence in the HRE Whyalla West proposed release area (1.3 MB PDF file)
Native Vegetation Survey and Mapping over the Agricultural Region of South Australia (3.4 MB PDF file)
Nature's pilgrim (book review) (0.4 MB PDF file)
New and interesting species of the family Bryaceae (Thyopsida) from Australia (0.8 MB PDF file)
New Australasian species of Peplidium and Glossostigma (Scrophulariac,eae) (0.4 MB PDF file)
New combinations for the Philip Island wheat grass, Anthosachne kingiana subsp. kingiana (Poaceae) (0.3 MB PDF file)
New combinations in Pterostylis and Caladenia and other name changes in the Orchidaceae of South Australia (0.3 MB PDF file)
New species of Caloplaca (lichenised Ascomycota: Teloschistaceae) from Kangaroo Island (1.2 MB PDF file)
New species, new combinations and other name changes in Hakea (Proteaceae) (1.2 MB PDF file)
New taxa and combinations in the Boraginaceae (0.5 MB PDF file)
New taxa and combinations in the Myoporaceae (0.4 MB PDF file)
New taxa and typifications in Indigofera (Fabaceae) for South Australia (0.5 MB PDF file)
New taxa of Eucalyptus informal subgen. Symphyomyrtus (Myrtaceae), endemic to South Australia. (0.9 MB PDF file)
New taxa, names and combinations in Lindernia, Peplidium, Stemodia and Striga (Scrophulariaceae) mainly of the Kimberley Region, Western Australia (1.2 MB PDF file)
New taxa, new combinations, keys and comments on generic concepts of Zygophyllum and a new species of Tribulus (Zygophyllaceae) in the manuscripts of the late Hj. Eichler (1 MB PDF file)
News Release: Community invited to apply for River Bend Bushbids vegetation management funding (0.1 MB PDF file)
Ngarkat Complex of Conservation Parks Management Plan. (1.2 MB PDF file)
Nomenclatural notes and typifications in Australian species of Paliureae (Rhamnaceae) (2.6 MB PDF file)
Nort-East Eyre Peninsula Conservation Reserves Biodiversity Asset Assessment 2009 (3.3 MB PDF file)
Notes concerning the classification of species included in Calocephalus R.Br. and Gnephosis Cass. (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae), with descriptions of new genera and species (4.4 MB PDF file)
Notes on Casuarinaceae II. (1.1 MB PDF file)
Notes on Daviesia and Pultenaea (Fabaceae) in South Australia (0.8 MB PDF file)
Notes on Eremophila R.Br. (Myoporaceae) in South Australia (0.4 MB PDF file)
Notes on Hibbertia (Dilleniaceae) 2. The H. aspera - empetrifolia complex (4.1 MB PDF file)
Notes on Hibbertia (Dilleniaceae) 3. H. sericea and associated species (4 MB PDF file)
Notes on Hibbertia (Dilleniaceae) 4. The identity of H. enervia (0.4 MB PDF file)
Notes on Hibbertia (Dilleniaceae) 5. H. melhanioides and H. tomentosa groups from tropical Australia (8.7 MB PDF file)
Notes on Hibbertia (Dilleniaceae) 7. H. hermanniifolia group (subgen. Hemistemma) from mainly temperate eastern Australia (1.5 MB PDF file)
Notes on Hibbertia (Dilleniaceae). 6. Three new species and a new combination in the H. stricta complex from South Australia and Victoria (1.1 MB PDF file)
Notes on Hibbertia (Dillenieaceae) 8. Seven new species, a new combination and four new subspecies from subgen. Hemistemma, mainly from the central coast of New South Wales (1.8 MB PDF file)
Notes on Hibbertia subg. Hemistemma (Dilleniaceae) 9. The eastern Australian H. vestita group, including H. pedunculata and H. serpyllifolia (1.8 MB PDF file)
Notes on Hibbertia subgen. Hemistemma (Dilleniaceae) – 13. The eastern Australian H. acicularis and H. perhamata groups (4.1 MB PDF file)
Notes on Hibbertia. I. New taxa from south-eastern Australia (1 MB PDF file)
Notes on Leptosema and Mirbelia (Leguminosae- Papilionoideae) in Central Australia (0.8 MB PDF file)
Notes on Teucrium L. (Labiatae) (0.6 MB PDF file)
Notes on the genus Acacia in the Northern Territory (0.6 MB PDF file)
Notes on the genus Microtis (Orchidaceae) in Western Australia with the description of two new taxa (0.8 MB PDF file)
Notes on the genus Tribulopis (Zygophyllaceae) in Australia (1.3 MB PDF file)
Notes on the South Australian flora Astragalus L Fabaceae in South Australia
Notes on the South Australian flora (0.2 MB PDF file)
Notes on the South Australian flora. Hypecoum pendulum L. (Papaveraceae) in South Australia (0.4 MB PDF file)
Notes on Zygophyllum (Zygophyllaceae) in Australia including the descriptions of five new species and one new subspecies, revised keys and typifications (2.4 MB PDF file)
Notonerium (Apocynaceae) laid to rest in the Boraginaceae (0.4 MB PDF file)
Novelties and taxonomic notes relating to Hakea sect. Hakea (Proteaceae), mainly of eastern Australia (2.5 MB PDF file)
Observations on some calcicolous species of Lecania A.Massal. (lichenised Ascomycetes: Ramalinaceae) in southern Australia (1.1 MB PDF file)
Olearia arckaringensis (Asteraceae: Astereae), a new endangered daisy-bush from northern South Australia. (0.9 MB PDF file)
One million and counting (2012 version) (0.5 MB PDF file)
One million and counting (2016 version) (2.2 MB PDF file)
One new species and two new subspecies of Eucalyptus from Southern Australia (0.6 MB PDF file)
Online Zoological Collections of Australian Museums (OZCAM)
Orchids of South Australia (29.9 MB PDF file)
Othonna gypsicola (Compositae) a new species from northern South Australia (0.3 MB PDF file)
Overcoming physiological seed dormancy in semi-arid Prostanthera (Labiatae) (0.4 MB PDF file)
Paney Station Lease Assessment Report (1.2 MB PDF file)
Parks of the Riverland (3.3 MB PDF file)
Performance of Native Plant Species in South Australian Woody Crop Trials. FloraSearch 4 (4.1 MB PDF file)
Pertusaria crassilabra Müll. Arg. – a reinstated name for an Australasian lichen (0.9 MB PDF file)
Phebalium calcicola (Rutaceae: Boronieae): a species described as new, restricted to south-eastern South Australia, is proposed as Critically Endangered (7.4 MB PDF file)
Placynthium australiense sp. nov. (lichenised Ascomycota, Placynthiaceae) from South Australia (0.5 MB PDF file)
Plant biometrics and biomass productivity in the River Murray Dryland Corridor (0.9 MB PDF file)
Plant portrait 10. Beyeria subtecta (0.4 MB PDF file)
Plant portrait 11 Grevillea quinquenervis
Plant portrait 12 Logania insularis
Plant portrait 13. Cheiranthera volubilis (0.8 MB PDF file)
Plant portrait 14 Acacia glandulicarpa
Plant portrait 15 Swainsona tephrotricha
Plant portrait 16 Pseudanthus micranthus
Plant portrait 17. Acacia araneosa (0.7 MB PDF file)
Plant portrait 18 Anthocercis angustifolia
Plant portrait 19 Eremophila barbata
Plant Portrait 20. Pultenaea trifida J. Black (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) (0.7 MB PDF file)
Plant Portrait 21 Pultenaea trinervis J Black Leguminosae-Papilionoideae
Plant Portrait 22 Eremophila pentaptera J Black Myoporaceae
Plant Portrait 23. Spyridium tridentatum (Steudel) Benth. (Rhamnaceae) (0.7 MB PDF file)
Plant Portrait 24 Teucrium grandiusculum F Muell Tate ssp pilosa Toelken
Plant portrait 25. Acacia hexaneura P. Lang & R. Cowan (Leguminosae) (0.7 MB PDF file)
Plant portrait 26 Acacia praemorsa P Lang Maslin Leguminosae
Plant science for everyone: Kosciusko's new alpine 'Flora' (book review) (0.6 MB PDF file)
Potential Agroforestry Species and Regional Industries for lower rainfall Southern Australia. FloraSearch 2 (5.7 MB PDF file)
Prasophyllum calcicola, P. macrostachyum and P. ringens (Orchidaceae): three similar species from western and southern Australia (0.7 MB PDF file)
Prasophyllum fecundum and P. occultans (Orchidaceae): two new species endemic to South Australia (0.5 MB PDF file)
Prasophyllum laxum (Orchidaceae), a new leek-orchid species from southern Eyre Peninsula, South Australia (0.3 MB PDF file)
Prasophyllum litorale, a new species of Orchidaceae from south-west Victoria and adjacent South Australia (0.4 MB PDF file)
Pre European Settlement Floristic Vegetation Mapping - South Australia (0.7 MB PDF file)
Pre-European Settlement Floristic Vegetation Mapping - South Australia (1 MB PDF file)
Projected climate change implications for the South Australian flora (0.6 MB PDF file)
Psoroglaena halmaturina sp. nov. (lichenised Ascomycota, Verrucariaceae) from Kangaroo Island, South Australia (0.3 MB PDF file)
Ptilotus bakeri, a new species of Amaranthaceae from Lake Eyre Region, South Australia (0.5 MB PDF file)
Ptilotus durus (Amaranthaceae), a new species from northern South Australia (3.1 MB PDF file)
Ptilotus ostentans (Amaranthaceae), a new species from Western Australia segregated from Ptilotus seminudus (2.5 MB PDF file)
Publication date of 'Flora of South Australia, Part III' (0.4 MB PDF file)
Pultenaea kraehenbuehlii, a new species endemic to the northern Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia (0.8 MB PDF file)
Pultenaea quadricolor J. Black is a synonym of P. laxiflora Benth. (0.3 MB PDF file)
Rainfall harvesting to establish trees and shrubs on flat, sandy soil in the arid zone (0.7 MB PDF file)
Regional Industry Potential for Woody Biomass Crops in Lower Rainfall Southern Australia - FloraSearch 3c (2.6 MB PDF file)
Regional Recovery Plan for Threatened Species and Ecological Communities of Adelaide and the Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia (3.4 MB PDF file)
Re-instatement of the name Spyridium waterhousei from Kangaroo Island, South Australia, with a short history of the tribe Pomaderreae (Rhamnaceae) (2.4 MB PDF file)
Resilience -Outline of Experimental Treatment and Patterns (0.2 MB PDF file)
Resin Wattle, Acacia rhetinocarpa (0.5 MB PDF file)
Resolution of the Ptilotus parvifolius complex (Amaranthaceae) (0.7 MB PDF file)
Response of Ruppia in the Coorong to Water Delivery over Summer (1 MB PDF file)
Review of Acacia retinodes and closely related species, A. uncifolia and A. provincialis (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae: sect. Phyllodineae) (27.3 MB PDF file)
Review of Wood Products, Tannins and Exotic Species for Agroforestry in lower rainfall regions of southern Australia. FloraSearch 1c (3.3 MB PDF file)
Reviews of High Priority Species for Woody Biomass Crops in Lower Rainfall Southern Australia. FloraSearch 3b (5.6 MB PDF file)
Revision of Kunzea (Myrtaceae). 2. Subgenera Angasomyrtus and Salisia (section Salisia) from Western Australia and subgenera Kunzea and Niviferae (sections Platyphyllae and Pallidiflorae) from eastern Australia (8.1 MB PDF file)
Revision of the Cassiinae in Australia. 1. Senna Miller sect. Chamaefistula (Colladon) Irwin and Barneby (1.7 MB PDF file)
Revision of the Cassiinae in Australia. 2. Senna Miller sect. Psilorhegma (J. Vogel) Irwin and Bameby (5.4 MB PDF file)
Revision of the Cassiinae in Australia. 3. Senna Miller sect. Senna (1 MB PDF file)
Riparian vegetation: Benefits to landholders and ecosystems in the Goolwa to Wellington Local Action Planning region (9.6 MB PDF file)
River Murray Barrages - Environmental Flows. An evaluation of environmental flow needs in the Lower Lakes and Coorong.
River Murray Wetland Classification Project (4.2 MB PDF file)
Roadside Vegatation Survey Datasheets (0.1 MB PDF file)
Roadside Vegetation Mapping - South Australia (1.6 MB PDF file)
Roadside Vegetation Mapping - South Australia (1.7 MB PDF file)
Rytidosperma robertsoniae (Poaceae), a new species from southern Australia (1.2 MB PDF file)
SA Research and Development Institute Publications
Seaweeds of South Australia Part I Introduction and the Green and Brown Seaweeds (13.6 MB PDF file)
Seaweeds of South Australia Part II The Red Seaweeds (61.9 MB PDF file)
Securing the future: A long-term plan for the Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth. (13.1 MB PDF file)
Senna phyllodinea a new combination in Senna (Caesalpiniaceae) (0.3 MB PDF file)
Sida section Sida in Australia: a revised key, a newly introduced species, S. subcordata Span., and name changes for S. rohlenae var. mutica (Benth.)Fryxell and S. magnifica Domin (0.7 MB PDF file)
Silver Daisy-bush, Olearia pannosa ssp. pannosa (0.5 MB PDF file)
Site Planners Guide for CLLMM Region (4.6 MB PDF file)
Soil crust lichens and mosses on calcrete-dominant soils at Maralinga in arid South Australia (1.2 MB PDF file)
Some observations on Salsola L. (Chenopodiaceae) in Australia (0.7 MB PDF file)
South Australian lichens — A Kangaroo Island case study (3.2 MB PDF file)
South Australian Native Vegetation Condition Indicator Pilot (2.7 MB PDF file)
South Australian wattles (book review) (0.3 MB PDF file)
South Australia's Offshore Islands (32.5 MB PDF file)
Southern Australian Liverworts book review
Spyridium bracteatum, a new species from Kangaroo Island allied to S. thymifolium (Rhamnaceae: Pomaderreae) (2.8 MB PDF file)
Spyridium erymnocladum, a new species from the Eyre Peninsula, South Australia, and new stipule characters in Australian Rhamnaceae (0.6 MB PDF file)
Spyridium tricolor (Rhamnaceae), a disjunct new species from the Great Australian Bight (0.5 MB PDF file)
State and transition model for the Eucalyptus porosa (Mallee Box) low rainfall grassy woodland community of the eastern flanks of the Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia (7.7 MB PDF file)
State Herbarium Collection Data Sheet 2024 (0.3 MB PDF file)
State Herbarium collection sheet (pro-forma) (0.2 MB PDF file)
State Herbarium Factsheet - Death Cap (0.6 MB PDF file)
State Herbarium Factsheet - Edible and poisonous fungi (0.5 MB PDF file)
State Herbarium Factsheet - Yellow Stainer (0.6 MB PDF file)
State Herbarium Field Label, Weeds (A4 for printing) (0.2 MB PDF file)
State Herbarium Field Label, Weeds (A5) (0.2 MB PDF file)
State Herbarium plant collection sheet (pro-forma) (0.2 MB PDF file)
State Herbarium publications
State Herbarium regions
State Herbarium
Studies in Australian Lamiaceae. 1. The genus Wrixonia F. Muell. (Prostantheroideae) (0.6 MB PDF file)
Studies in Senecio (0.4 MB PDF file)
Studies in the tribes Astereae and Inuleae (Compositae) (1.2 MB PDF file)
Summary of Coorong hydrological, biogeochemical and ecological models (2.9 MB PDF file)
Supplement to J.M. Black's Flora of South Australia (second edition 1943-1957) (18.7 MB PDF file)
Systematic Botany-a vew from the Centre (1 MB PDF file)
Systematics 2017—Integrating Systematics for Conservation and Ecology (5 MB PDF file)
Target setting for restoration priorities in the South Australian Murray Mallee. (3 MB PDF file)
Target setting for restoration priorities in the South Australian Murray Mallee (2.3 MB PDF file)
Taxonomic account of Nicandra (Solanaceae) in Australia (0.6 MB PDF file)
Taxonomic evaluation of Ptilotus manglesii (Amaranthaceae) and recognition of P. davisii for two phrase names in south-west Western Australia (2.5 MB PDF file)
Taxonomic notes on Hakea Schrader (Proteaceae), mainly relating to South Australia (1.2 MB PDF file)
Taxonomic notes on some Australian species of Indigofera (Fabaceae- Faboideae) (0.7 MB PDF file)
Taxonomic revision of Bergia (Elatinaceae) in Australia (1.5 MB PDF file)
Taxonomic studies in Euphrasia L. (Scrophulariaceae). A revised infrageneric classification, and a revision of the genus in Australia (22.7 MB PDF file)
Taxonomic studies in Euphrasia L. (Scrophulariaceae). V. New and rediscovered taxa, typifications, and other notes on the genus in Australia (1.7 MB PDF file)
Taxonomic studies in Euphrasia L. (Scrophulariaceae). VII. A new species and a widely disjunct population from south-eastern Tasmania (0.5 MB PDF file)
Taxonomic studies in Stackhousia Sm. (Stackhousiaceae) in South Australia (1 MB PDF file)
Taxonomy of the South Australian species allied to Hakea ulicina R. Br. (Proteaceae) (2.1 MB PDF file)
Technical information supporting the 2023 Aquatic ecosystem condition environmental trend and condition report card (0.6 MB PDF file)
Technical information supporting the 2023 environmental trend and condition report cards based on SA land cover layers: wetlands, native vegetation, mangrove vegetation and coastal saltmarsh (0.8 MB PDF file)
Technical information supporting the 2023 Lower Lakes aquatic and littoral vegetation environmental trend and condition report card (0.7 MB PDF file)
Technical information supporting the 2023 native flora and fauna environmental trend and condition report cards (25.9 MB PDF file)
Technical information supporting the 2023 River Murray floodplain trees condition environmental trend and condition report card (0.9 MB PDF file)
Ten new species of Eremophila (Myoporaceae) from Central and Western Australia (2.3 MB PDF file)
Teringie wetland: Pre-feasbility fact sheet. (0.4 MB PDF file)
Teucrium reidii (Labiatae): a new species from north-western South Australia (0.4 MB PDF file)
The Australian genus Gunniopsis Pax (Aizoaceae) (3.9 MB PDF file)
The botanical legacy of 1802: South Australian plants collected by Robert Brown and Peter Good on Matthew Flinders’ Investigator and by the French scientists on Baudin’s Géographe and Naturaliste (28.6 MB PDF file)
The Chowilla Floodplain and Lindsay-Wallpolla Islands Icon Site Environmental Management Plan 2006-2007.
The Coongie Lakes Study (21.4 MB PDF file)
The Coongie Lakes Study (21.4 MB PDF file)
The Della and Marqualpie Landsystem's Faunal Monitoring Programme (11.9 MB PDF file)
The Drosera peltata-D. auriculata complex (0.3 MB PDF file)
The escape of Stipa papposa (0.4 MB PDF file)
The food plants of Australian butterfly larvae (0.9 MB PDF file)
The genus Alisma (Alismataceae) in South Australia (0.9 MB PDF file)
The genus Malacocera R.H. Anderson (Chenopodiaceae) (1.1 MB PDF file)
The genus Microtis R. Br. (Orchidaceae): A taxonomic revision with notes on biology (0.7 MB PDF file)
The genus Pleurocarpaea Benth. (Asteraceae: Vemonieae) (0.5 MB PDF file)
The genus Trachymene (Apiaceae) in the Northern Territory and new species from Western Australia (1.1 MB PDF file)
The identification of the type locality and collector of Acacia peuce F.Muell. (0.5 MB PDF file)
The importance of the ‘h’ – Parahomonymy in Trymalium (Rhamnaceae: Pomaderreae) (2.1 MB PDF file)
The lichens of South Australia book review
The Lower Lakes, Coorong and Murray Mouth. Icon Site Environmental Management Plan 2006/2007
The Marine Benthic Flora of South Australia Part I - Introduction, Seagrasses, Chlorophyta and Charophyta (21.2 MB PDF file)
The Marine Benthic Flora of South Australia Part II - Phaeophyta and Chrysophyta (Vaucheria) (31 MB PDF file)
The Marine Benthic Flora of South Australia. Rhodophyta. Part IIIA - Rhodophyta: Bangiophyceae and Florideophyceae (Acrochaetiales, Nemaliales, Gelidiales, Hildenbrandiales and Gigartinales (36.6 MB PDF file)
The Marine Benthic Flora of South Australia. Rhodophyta. Part IIIB - Rhodophyta: Gracilariales, Rhodymeniales, Corallinales and Bonnemaisoniales (29.3 MB PDF file)
The Marine Benthic Flora of South Australia. Rhodophyta. Part IIIC - Rhodophyta: Ceramiales - Ceramiaceae, Dasyaceae (36.3 MB PDF file)
The Marine Benthic Flora of South Australia. Rhodophyta. Part IIID - Rhodophyta: Ceramiales - Delessariaceae, Sarcomeniaceae, Rhodomelaceae (40.3 MB PDF file)
The mosses of the Northern Territory, Australia (1.1 MB PDF file)
The native and naturalised Cyperus species in South Australia (0.8 MB PDF file)
The naturalised flora of South Australia. 1. Documentation of its development (0.9 MB PDF file)
The naturalised flora of South Australia. 2. Its development through time (0.6 MB PDF file)
The naturalised flora of South Australia. 3 Its origin, introduction, distribution, growth forms and significance (0.9 MB PDF file)
The naturalised flora of South Australia. 4. Its manner of introduction (1.2 MB PDF file)
The other ‘propeller plant’ – Notes on Stenanthemum Reissek (Rhamnaceae: Pomaderreae) and a key to the genus in Australia (3.1 MB PDF file)
The performance of an amenity planting under irrigation at Monarto, South Australia (0.8 MB PDF file)
The Ptilotus murrayi species group: synonymisation of P. petiolatus under P. murrayi and description of the new Western Australian species P. unguiculatus (Amaranthaceae) (1.6 MB PDF file)
The reinstatement of Solanum shanesii F. Muell., Section Lycianthes (Solanaceae) with discussion of its significance (0.6 MB PDF file)
The River Murray Planning Study: A Biological And Conservation Survey Of The River Murray In South Australia (3.9 MB PDF file)
The roles of agricultural biodiversity in the McLaren Vale landscape (7.2 MB PDF file)
The solanaceous genera, Browallia, Capsicum, Cestrum, Cyphomandra, Hyoscyamus, Lycopersicon, Nierembergia, Physalis, Petunia, Salpichroa and Withania, naturalised in Australia (2.2 MB PDF file)
The Solanum petrophilum complex (Solanaceae) revised, with the description of three new species (5.1 MB PDF file)
The species of Crassula L. in Australia (0.6 MB PDF file)
The species of Malva L. and Lavatera L. (Malvaceae) naturalized in South Australia (0.7 MB PDF file)
The species of Wurmbea (Liliaceae) in South Australia (1.3 MB PDF file)
The spread of native Australian plants as weeds in South Australia and in other Mediterranean regions (0.9 MB PDF file)
The State Herbarium of South Australia (0.7 MB PDF file)
The State Of Biological Resources In South Australia (7 MB PDF file)
The student's flora of Tasmania, part 4A, Orchidaceae (book review) (0.3 MB PDF file)
The Sturt pea through 300 years of Australian botanical exploration (1.3 MB PDF file)
The Thelymitra pauciflora R.Br. complex (Orchidaceae) in South Australia with the description of seven new taxa (0.8 MB PDF file)
The third volume of the New Zealand Flora (book review) (0.2 MB PDF file)
The type of Sturt pea found (0.7 MB PDF file)
The vegetation and flora of Redcliff Point and surrounding areas, South Australia (1.7 MB PDF file)
The vegetation history of South Australia (2.1 MB PDF file)
The vegetation of South Australia (second edition) (51.3 MB PDF file)
The Wehl family of South Australia and their botanical connections with “Dear Uncle” Baron Ferdinand von Mueller (10 MB PDF file)
Thelidium robustum sp. nov. (lichenized Ascomycota, Verrucariaceae) from Kangaroo Island, South Australia (0.4 MB PDF file)
Threatened Plant Species On Roadsides: Kangaroo Island, South Australia (10.2 MB PDF file)
Three new species of Fabaceae for the Flora of Central Australia (0.5 MB PDF file)
Three new species of Phyllanthus (Euphorbiaceae: Phyllantheae) in South Australia (0.8 MB PDF file)
Three new species of Tetragona and Trianthema (Aizoaceae) (0.7 MB PDF file)
Three species of Cryptandra (Rhamnaceae: Pomaderreae) from southern Australia allied to C. tomentosa (4.2 MB PDF file)
Toadstools and mushrooms and other larger fungi of South Australia Parts I and II 1934-1935 (32.1 MB PDF file)
Tolderol wetland: Pre-feasibility fact sheet. (0.4 MB PDF file)
Tracking changes in South Australia's environment: 51 trend and condition report cards 2023_Full report (37.6 MB PDF file)
Tracking changes in South Australia's environment: 51 trend and condition report cards 2023_Overview report (5.4 MB PDF file)
Trafficability Assessment (1.8 MB PDF file)
Two books on the flora of New South Wales book reviews
Two combinations in Eremophila R.Br. (Myoporaceae) (0.2 MB PDF file)
Two new mallee species from South Australia in Eucalyptus L'Herit. ser. Rufispermae Maiden (1.2 MB PDF file)
Two new species of Australian Stenanthemum (Rhamnaceae), with a conspectus and key to species outside Western Australia (3.4 MB PDF file)
Two new species of Cycas from Northern Australia (0.4 MB PDF file)
Two new species of Dicrastylis J. Drumm. ex Harvey (Chloanthaceae) from Western Australia (0.7 MB PDF file)
Two new species of Polygalaceae from Central Australia (0.2 MB PDF file)
Two new species of Sarcogyne (lichenised Ascomycota: Acarosporaceae) from central and southern Australia (0.9 MB PDF file)
Two new taxa of Ptilotus (Amaranthaceae) (0.5 MB PDF file)
Typification of three species of Cryptandra from Western Australia and a range extension for C. myriantha (Rhamnaceae: Pomaderreae) (0.3 MB PDF file)
Updated nomenclature and an identification key for Hibbertia subg. Pachynema (Dilleniaceae), and description of a new species from the Northern Territory (2.3 MB PDF file)
Validation of four new combinations in Eucalyptus (Myrtaceae) from south-western Western Australia (79 KB PDF file)
Validation of two names of Australian orchids (1.1 MB PDF file)
Variation in Lenbrassia G.W. Gillett (Gesneriaceae) (0.6 MB PDF file)
Vegetation Clearance In South Australia (8.5 MB PDF file)
Vegetation Conditioning Monitoring (5 MB PDF file)
Vegetation Map of the Western Gawler Ranges SA 2001 (4 MB PDF file)
Vegetation Map of the Western Gawler Ranges SA 2001 (4 MB PDF file)
Vegetation Program Grass Trial Survival Monitoring 2016 (1.2 MB PDF file)
Vegetation Program Guide to Restoring Vegetation in the CLLMM Region 2016 (3.2 MB PDF file)
Vegetation Program Landscape History 2013 (5.1 MB PDF file)
Vegetation Program Phragmites australis Research 2016 (1.9 MB PDF file)
Vegetation Program Plant Genetics Report 2015 (0.9 MB PDF file)
Vegetation Program S. validus Monitoring 2013 (1.3 MB PDF file)
Vegetation Program S. validus Monitoring 2013 (1.3 MB PDF file)
Vegetation Program S. validus Monitoring 2013 (1.3 MB PDF file)
Vegetation Program S. validus Monitoring 2013 (1.2 MB PDF file)
Vegetation Program S. validus Monitoring 2016 (1.5 MB PDF file)
Vegetation Program Seed Germination Trial 2016 (2.3 MB PDF file)
Vegetation Program Soil Carbon 2012 (6.2 MB PDF file)
Vegetation Program Soil Carbon 2013 (7.5 MB PDF file)
Vegetation Program Vegetation Assessment 2013 (4 MB PDF file)
Vegetation Program Vegetation Assessment 2014 (6.9 MB PDF file)
Vegetation Program Vegetation Assessment 2015 (4.7 MB PDF file)
Vegetation Survey of the Kanowana Wetlands, Cooper Creek SA (26.6 MB PDF file)
Waltowa wetland: Pre-feasibility fact sheet. (0.4 MB PDF file)
Water Quality Influences on Distribution of Ruppia (1.2 MB PDF file)
Weird and wonderful plants of South Australia (2.3 MB PDF file)
Wetland Condition Assessments 2014 (3.8 MB PDF file)
Wetland Condition Assessments 2015 (2.4 MB PDF file)
What is happening to the woodland birds of the Mount Lofty Ranges? (4 MB PDF file)
Why are new species described? (2.3 MB PDF file)
Woodland BushBids Fact Sheet 00 - Information (0.9 MB PDF file)
Woodland BushBids Fact Sheet 01 - Questions and Answers (0.3 MB PDF file)
Woodland BushBids Fact Sheet 02 - Site Visits (0.3 MB PDF file)
Woodland BushBids Fact Sheet 03 - Management Services (0.3 MB PDF file)
Woodland BushBids Fact Sheet 04 - Management and Vegetation (0.3 MB PDF file)
Woodland BushBids Fact Sheet 05 - Submission and Assessment (0.3 MB PDF file)
Woodland Bushbids: Conservation in the northern Murray Plains and the southern rangelands of the South Australian Murray-Darling Basin 2012 (5.1 MB PDF file)
Woody biomass productivity and potential biomass industries in the Upper South East (8.7 MB PDF file)
Wyndgate Property: Revegetation Site Assessments 2015, and Recommendations for Future Restoration Works (15.9 MB PDF file)
xPhelodia, a new nothogenus in Australian Orchidaceae (82 KB PDF file)
Yalata-Fowlers Bay Bush Blitz: Vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens, macrofungi and marine macroalgae (9.3 MB PDF file)
Related Links
Algae revealed – Pictorial keys and fact sheets for selected southern Australian algae
Atlas of Living Australia (ALA)
Australian Plant Name Index (APNI)
Backyards 4 Wildlife
Census of South Australian plants algae and fungi
Electronic Flora of South Australia (eFloraSA)
Enhancing Germplasm Conservation for Australian Agriculture
EnrichTM – building better grazing systems through perennial shrubs
Geoscience Australia (GA)
Know Our Plants – Blog for friends of the State Herbarium of South Australia
Online Zoological Collections of Australian Museums (OZCAM)
SA Research and Development Institute Publications
State Herbarium
State Herbarium publications